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RYU CAPSULE: Once obtaining all weapons, all heart tanks, all energy tanks, and all capsules, go to Armored Armadillos stage. At the end, jump off the cart before the end and wall jump up to the top. Grab the power up and jump into the pit to die. Come back and do the same again. Keep doing this until a capsule appears where the Power up is. Dr. Light will appear dressed like Ryu. Jump in and he gives you a new Super Charge capsule. When you have full health, press down down, forward forward, Y to throw a powerful fireball. It's so powerful that it can take out Vile with one shot. EXTRA ENDING: Once beating the game, wait after the credits. Don't turn the game off. Wait 40 seconds to see an extra ending. Kinda like a preview for Megaman X2.

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