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Before I turned the site into Mega Man Legends Headquarters, it was just a Mega Man site for every Mega Man game. Since I was going to get rid of all that old stuff, I put it here. By the way, none of this stuff is Mega Man Legends.

Mega Man III Strategy GuideA guide for the Gameboy version.

Mega Man X Strategy Guide A guide for the Super Nintendo version.

Mega Man MIDI Music A list of Mega Man music from all the games.

Mega Man Pictures A bunch of Mega Man images, images not by me.

Every Mega Man Game Kind of a boring section, just a list of every MM Game.

Every Mega Man Boss Another boring section, a list of every boss.

Mega Man Links Links to other great Mega Man site.

E-mail Chaz E-mail Chaz right now, if you really want to.

Mega Man Box Covers A list of the box covers from the games.

Mega Special Thanks Thanks to other sites that helped with my site.

Mega Man Movies Two Quicktime movies of Megaman 8, Megaman X4.
