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HEADBUTT HELMET: Go to the part where there is a tower. Climb the left side and slide down the right side. Dash off the wall and grab the ledge on the other side. Use a Fire Wave on the gas tanks to blow them up. Walk right to find the capsule with the Headbutt Helmet inside. HEART TANK: At the beginning, use the moving platforms to go as high as you can. Then, Dash Jump off the left side and you should land on a platform with a Heart Tank. ENERGY TANK: Once defeating the cannon on the pillar that moves up, jump onto the pillar and wait for it to move up. Break the glass and run inside. Destroy the robot and all the glass breaks. Next is an Energy Tank. STORM EAGLE: This is one of the easiest bosses. Equip with the Chameleon Sting from Sting Chameleon. When he disappears from the screen, dash away because he will dive. Quickly turn around and blast him before he leaves again. When he uses a Storm Torado, dash under it. When he flaps his wings, repeatadily dash and shoot. He does shoot little bird robots, but use a normal shot to kill them easy.

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