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You will find some amazing pictures here that can tell the story better than any words.   All the images here are in the book, but most are black and white.  This site allows you to see them all in full color. 

Bust of Lenin

Here is Dave posing under the largest bust in the world (Bust of Lenin)  in Ulan Ude, Eastern Siberia on February 28,1997.

Click on the Pictures below for the full sized images.

Ice01t.jpg (8516 bytes)

Ice02t.jpg (8555 bytes)

Ice04t.jpg (8037 bytes)

Ice05t.jpg (8022 bytes) Ice06t.jpg (6860 bytes)

Ice07t.jpg (10795 bytes)

Ice08t.jpg (5753 bytes)

Ice09t.jpg (7432 bytes)

Ice10t.jpg (5288 bytes)

Ice11t.jpg (5699 bytes)

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