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David McMackins


Gain experience and expand my working knowledge of computer operation and network administration.




1996 - 1997 Close in Weapons Systems San Diego, CA

Fire Control Technician Close in Weapons Systems Specialist

  • Learned Operation and troubleshooting for US naval vessels' vital antiair warfare defensive weapon system.

1995 - 1996 Technical Core Chicago, IL

Fire Control Technician

  • Electronic, microwave, syncro, servo and solid-state theory. Use of test equipment digital and analog voltmeters, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, analog power meter, and frequency counter.

1994 - 1995 Naval Nuclear Power Program Orlando, Fl


  • Fast paced program of electrical and electronic theory and application, also included strong mathematics, chemistry, physics, and radiological theory.

1992 - 1994 Regional Occupational Program Sacramento, Ca

Computer Programming

  • Certified in Basic, Pascal, and C++. Developed a strong understanding of DOS and Windows operating systems, performed administrative assistant duties for a 30 computer token ring NOVELL network.

Work experience

1994 - 1998 United States Navy


  • Daily maintenance of work environment. Operation, Maintenance, and troubleshooting of Ship's Close in Weapons Systems. Used naval stock and supply system to order replacement parts for the Close in Weapons Systems, Mark 86 gunfire support system, 48E air search radar, Target Acquisition System air search radar, and the Rolling Airframe Missile system.