CC'ers In Canada
See Where Your CC Friends Live

Each person is represented by a 'pin' and a 'number'.

You can locate your CC friends in 2 ways:

1 - Use the Alphabetical List to locate the person and then match the Province, Pin Colour and Number on the Map.

2 - Locate a Pin on the Map and then use the Provincial List to match the Pin Colour and Number to the person.

('Reload' the page to get the most recent updates)

(If I have you in the wrong place, please let me know.)

Alphabetical List
Allie Girl - Nova Scotia 2
Bob - Alberta 1
Debi Webi - Ontario 2
Deni - Ontario 1
Diezy - Ontario 4
ernie - Ontario 5
Grammie Jan - Nova Scotia 3
Handmaiden - Nova Scotia 4
Jeannie - Nova Scotia 1
Janice V - Ontario 3
KathleenBC - British Columbia 4
Kathy BC - British Columbia 1
Niki - British Columbia 2
Sassie - Nova Scotia 6
Sharon ON - Ontario 7
Shopper56 - Ontario 8
Sparkles - Ontario 6
Tweetie - Nova Scotia 7
Provincial List
1 - Bob
British Columbia
1 - Kathy BC
2 - Niki
4 - KathleenBC
Nova Scotia
1 - Jeannie
2 - Allie Girl
3 - Grammie Jan
4 - Handmaiden
6 - Sassie
7 - Tweetie
1 - Deni
2 - Debi Webi
3 - JaniceV
4 - Diezy
5 - ernie
6 - Sparkles
7 - Sharon ON
8 - Shopper56

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