President's Message
I've been taking advantage of the inspiration I gained from our visits to member's homes in May and working hard in my yard
and on my trees. I'm glad I've made some good progress because now that the hot weather has arrived, my production has fallen
drastically. I'm just not cut out for these 90+ degree days! Makes me long for those nice,
foggy days I was raised on in San Francisco. I think most of my trees would rather be there right now too.
I thought I'd again mention some of the resources available on the internet for those members that have access. If you haven't
found it yet, there is lots of helpful information out there, much of it provided by professionals in the art of bonsai.
One of my favorite sites right now is the GardenWeb Bonsai Forum. Every aspect of bonsai is discussed there and input is provided
from everyone from beginners to well known professionals. There is also a section where anyone can post images of their trees for
viewing. This is a good way to get styling ideas as participants will usually comment on the trees displayed there. The URL is:
There is a site in the UK that is geared toward those new to bonsai that has much helpful information. It's "The Bonsai Primer",
by Allen Roffey, located at:
Another discussion site is the Internet Bonsai Club (IBC) at:
You'll find information
there about joining the mailing list and searching the archives. The archives are very handy if you want to find lots of information on
a particular subject.
Of course, one of the favorite sites of many is from Evergreen Gardenworks. The owner of the nursery, Brent Walston, has provided
a lot of very good information he has gained over the years. Articles cover everything from propagation to refinement. You can even
order from his extensive inventory of plants right from the site. Visit Brent's site at:
Many more links to interesting sites can be found on our own web page at . Happy Surfing!
July Meeting Dates Changed!
Don't forget that we will be changing our meeting dates this month. Heather Farms has notified us that the facility is not available
on the first Monday, July 5th, so we'll shift each of our meetings back one week.
Beginner - July 12th, Combined - July 19th, Advanced - July 26th
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Return Trip To Sumigawa This Month
Since rain ruined our visit to Sumigawa Nursery in Cotati for the second straight year, we'll be going back there on
July 17th. Come up with us and add some nice material to your collection, or just take a nice drive to Sonoma
County and see some great bonsai and nursery stock. We will again be visiting the nursery's growing grounds
and will have an opportunity to choose from a very large selection of plants.
We'll be meeting in front of CompUSA in the Willows Shopping Center in Concord at 9:00 on Saturday, July 17th.
That will give us plenty of time for the drive, arriving at the nursery for our 10:30 appointment. Of course, we'll be
very close to Lone Pine Nursery so a side trip to shopthere can easily be arranged.
For those that would like to drive direct, the nursery is on Hwy 116 WEST from Hwy 101 in Cotati, about 3/4 of a mile
west of 101. The address is 8049 Gravenstein Highway, and the phone is (707) 795-5467. Thanks to Tom Fong for
arranging this trip.
No Newsletter In August
Due to some planned travel and an already very busy schedule in mid/late July, I will not be able to produce a newsletter
for the month of August. I've included the August meeting dates in this issue.
Sign Up Early For Show Duties
Show chairman Barney Montoya submitted the following list of committee chairs. Please contact the
appropriate person to sign up for your preferred duty(s) at this year's show.
Show Chair, Barney Montoya 443-8554
Co-Chair, Tom Fong 825-9737
Construction, Bob Eden 687-7187
Plant Sale & Raffle, Bill Magee 689-4377
Hospitality, Don Meeker 933-4472
Publicity, Norm Wanek 837-7528
Greeting, Rebecca Harris 906-0777
Education, Nancy Norris 253-1854
Dais Making Demonstration
Barney Montoya will be demonstrating how you can make a bonsai stand from sawn burl. Information on
where you can obtain the wood will be available too. Get yourself to Tassajara Nursery at 9:30am on July 24th
if you'd like to learn this handy technique.