January 2000 Newsletter
Web Page Address: Issue 00/01 ¨ January 2000 www.angelfire.com/ca2/diablobonsai |
2550 Camino Tassajara Danville, California 94526 (925) 736-7600 |
Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600
President: Bob Evans (925)-820-0268
Editor: Daryl Bunch (925)-830-8790 email - bunchs @ix.netcom.com or daryl.bunch@kvaerner.com
January Meetings
Heather Farms Garden Center,
1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek, CA
All meetings are 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Potluck - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
January 3rd
Basic Class – 7:00 to 7:30pm Lecture
"Fundamentals of Bonsai Styles"
7:30pm - 8:00pm - Start basic workshop
Intermediate Class - 8:00 to 8:30pm
Lecture - "Care of Bonsai in the Winter"
8:30pm - 10:00pm - continue basic and begin intermediate workshops.
Refreshments: Scott Couture, Gale Newcomb and Dimitri Koovshinoff
January 10th
Potluck Dinner Party - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
If you have not already been contacted, asking whether you are attending and what you will bring, please contact Don Meeker at (925)-033-4472. Categories are main dishes, finger food, pasta, desserts, beverages, wines, etc.
Please bring serving pieces with the food you bring, if required. The club will furnish plates, napkins and eating utensils.
January 17th
Basic and Intermediate Workshop - 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Refreshments: Daryl Bunch, Blanca de Anda and Bob Eden
Note: If you are listed to bring refreshments and cannot attend the meeting, please call Bob Evans at (925) 820-0268.
Tuesday January 4th – Board Meeting at CalFed Bank on Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon at 7:30pm.
Saturday, January 29th – "Field Trip" - details and maps will be at the January meetings, along with carpooling sign-ups.
Club News
We wish to thank Tad Kikugawa, who made ceramic pots suitable for accent plants, and has donated them to the club. The pots will be available of members who wish to do accent plants that will be donated to the club for the October plant sale.
Thanks also to Norm Wanek and his crew, comprised of Scott Couture, Bill Magee and Bob Evans, who worked on the Bonsai Garden at Heather Farms on Saturday December 11th.
Just a reminder to everyone to bring a piece of plastic to the class with you to cover the tables during the workshops.
With the new class schedule we will need a couple of people to arrive before 7:00pm to help Byron Nobriga set-up extra tables. There should be four rows of tables before class starts. The basic class
should seat themselves in the two left side (north) rows and the intermediate class should seat themselves in the two right side (south) rows.
Please welcome the following new members:
Alan Verne Jones of Danville
Patricia Hines of Walnut Creek
Alexander Schneider of Livermore
Billie F. Morenz of Martinez
Sandra Morenz of Danville
Bruce Bachand of Walnut Creek
Patrick Corbiere of Danville
Events Elsewhere
January 22 &23rd - Bay Island Bonsai’s first show, "an Exhibit if Fine Bonsai", Centennial Hall 22292
Foothill Blvd, Hayward, CA Show hours - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM both days. Admission $3.00, free
parking. Free gift to the first 50 attendees each day. Benefit Drawing.
January 29th & 30th - Bay Area Bonsai Associates 19th Annual Show "Winter Show" at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue, Lake Merritt, Oakland. Hours Saturday 6:00pm to 9:30pm.
Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm. Demo at 2:00pm.
February 27th - Golden State Bonsai Collection - North Mammoth Bazaar IX at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue (Lake Merritt)
Oakland, CA. Hours 10:00am - 5:00pm.
Golden State Bonsai Collection at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue, Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA.
Garden House Hours
Wed, Thurs, Fri - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sat. - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sun. - 12 Noon to 4:00 PM
Call ahead to be sure they are open. (520)-763-8409
Diablo Bonsai look ahead schedule
February 7th - Basic Class topic "Moyogi, Sokan and Shakan Styles", and workshop.
Intermediate Class topic "Soil, Root and Uekae", and workshop.
February 14th - Basic and Intermediate Workshops.
February 1st - Board Meeting
February 12th - Potting Session
February 26th - 2nd Field Trip
In the future please call Tom Fong at (925) 825-9737 if you change your address, e-mail or telephone number so that the club roster can be kept up to date.
Members desiring to use the web page for their monthly newsletter instead of having it mailed to their house should contact Daryl Bunch either by phone or email locations shown above.
Annual Dues
Please get your annual dues mailed to Tom Fong as soon as possible or pay them at any of the three January meetings. Also, please fill in the following form and give it to Tom with your dues. Make checks out to: Diablo Bonsai Club and mail it to: Tom Fong, 126 St. Joan Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, or bring it to the club meeting in January.
We want all dues paid by January 31, 2000 so that we can get the new club roster prepared and out to the membership along with the Year 2000 Schedule of club Activities and classes.
Diablo Bonsai Club
2000 Dues Payment Coupon - Return before January 31, 2000
Circle One Single - $40.00 Couple - $ $65.00
Name _____________________________________
City _______________ State _____ Zip _________
Phone No. _________________________________
eMail Address ______________________________
Occupation ________________________________
Please Return to Tom Fong, 126 St. Joan Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523