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Diablo Bonsai Club


Web Page Address:                                               Issue 00/01 ¨ February 2000

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600

President: Bob Evans (925)-820-0268

Editor: Daryl Bunch (925)-830-8790 email - bunchs or

February Meetings

Heather Farms Garden Center,

1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek, CA

All meetings are 7:00pm – 10:00pm


February 7th

Basic Class – 7:00 to 7:30pm Lecture on "Moyogi, Shokan & Shakan styles"

Moyogi - informal upright, Shokan - twin trunk, & Shakan - slanting

7:30pm - 8:00pm - Start basic workshop

Intermediate Class - 8:00 to 8:30pm

Lecture - Soil, Root & Uekae" (Uekae - transplanting)

8:30pm - 10:00pm - continue basic and begin intermediate workshops.

Refreshments: Don Clark, Patrick Corbiere & Bob Evans

February 14th

Basic and Intermediate Workshop - 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Refreshments: Tom Fong, Kathleen Gerner, & James Green

Note: If you are listed to bring refreshments and cannot attend the meeting, please call Bob Evans at (925) 820-0268.

Tuesday February 1st – Board Meeting at CalFed Bank on Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon at 7:30pm.

Saturday, February 12th – Potting Session 9:30am to 12 noon at the Tassajara Nursery, 2550 Camino Tassajara, Danville.  (Take the Sycamore Valley Road east exit off I-680.  The nursery is approximately 2 miles east of I-680 on the right hand side of the street.  When you arrive at the nursery, please park on either side of the street outside the fenced parking area so that the regular nursery customers can park inside the parking lot.

Saturday, February 19th - Field Trip - Details of the trip and maps will be available at the February meetings, along with car pool sign-ups (rain or shine)

Potting Sessions  - All members should plan on attending one of the two potting sessions scheduled for February 12th and March 5th.  Please bring your own bonsai tools and a piece of plastic to cover your work table.  Before you leave the potting session make sure you clean up around your work area and register the trees you have prepared and pots you have used.  As a reminder basic members are asked to donate two one gallon sized trees and intermediate members two five gallon trees.  You can bring your own trees from home for the potting session or trees will be available at the nursery for you to purchase.  The club will furnish the plastic pots, wire and soil.  The members are asked to furnish the trees.  The intent of the potting session is to prepare the trees to be donated to the plant sale at the October Show.  Experienced members will be available at both potting sessions to help the basic members with their trees.  It is a good learning experience and also helps you get your trees ready for the plant sale.

The past two years we have had a number of group plantings in our plant sale and they have sold for a good price.  We are asking intermediate members to consider doing a group planting as one of your donations.  To make a group planting to be donated to the plant sale, our sensei will make available trident maples at a special price of $3.50 each.  You can buy the trees at the nursery during each potting session.  Also the ceramic pots donated by Tad Kikugawa will be at the potting sessions for the member who wish to donate accent plants to the plant sale.

Club News

Thirty one members and spouses attended the pot luck dinner party on January 10th.  It was very encouraging to see six of our new members attending the function.  Our thanks to Don Meeker for organizing and setting up the food.  There was plenty of great food.  A job well done Don.  Also our thanks to K. Akabane for his donation of the hemlock and trident maple that were raffled off.

Our thanks to Bill Magee for organizing the January 28th and February 26th field trips.  

With repotting on all of our agendas right now we are all in need of pumice.  The Tassajara Nursery has negotiated with a supplier to prepare 1 cu ft bags of pumice for a good price.  You can buy them at the nursery 2550 Camino Tassajara. Danville.

A box of miscellaneous bonsai supplies was left at the Heather Farms classrooms after the December meeting.  If the box is yours all Bob Evans at (925) 820-0268 to claim it.

Name tags are available to all new members.  Please see Bob Evans at one of the monthly meetings to pick up yours.  Others who do not have a name tag can see Bob to get one.

With this newsletter we are including the schedule of activities for the year 2000 so you can mark your calendar for the year.  Also at the February meeting Tom Fong has prepared the "1999 Financial Highlights" statement and copies will be available for those who are interested.  This statement will give members an idea of where the clubs money comes from and where it is spent.

The October Show Committee chairpersons have been selected for this year.  They are:

            General Chair - Bernie Montoya

            Co-Chair - Tom Fong

            Construction/Display - Bob Eden

            Greeting - Rebecca Harris

            Hospitality - Don Meeker

            Security - Jack Mahshi

            Education - Scott Couture

            Plant Sales/Raffle - Renee McGowan

            Publicity - Norm Wanek

In future meetings, the committee chairs will be asking for volunteers to work on their committees during the show.  To have a successful show we need everyone's participation.

Please welcome the following new members:

Keith and Janice Carlisle of Discovery Bay and Nick Koovshinoff of Danville.


Just a reminder to everyone to bring a piece of plastic to the class with you to cover the tables during the workshops.

With the new class schedule we will need a couple of people to arrive before 7:00pm to help Byron Nobriga set-up extra tables. There should be four rows of tables before class starts. The basic class should seat themselves in the two left side (north) rows and the intermediate class should seat themselves in the two right side (south) rows.

Events Elsewhere

February 27th - Golden State Bonsai Collection - North Mammoth Bazaar IX at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue (Lake Merritt)

Oakland, CA. Hours 10:00am - 5:00pm.

Golden State Bonsai Collection at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue, Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA.

Garden House Hours

Wed, Thurs, Fri - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Sat. - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sun. - 12 Noon to 4:00 PM

Call ahead to be sure they are open. (520)-763-8409

Diablo Bonsai look ahead schedule

March 6th - Basic Class topic "Yoseue, pinching of new growth, feeding and watering", and workshop.

                     Intermediate Class topic "Grafting", and workshop.

                     Refreshments: Hollis Hardy, Rebecca Harris and Patricia Hines

March 13th - Basic and Intermediate Workshops.

                     Refreshments: Alan Jones, Fred Kovar and Bruce Kronmiller

March 7th - Board Meeting

March 5th - 2nd Potting Session

In the future please call Tom Fong at (925) 825-9737 if you change your address, e-mail or telephone number so that the club roster can be kept up to date.

Members desiring to use the web page for their monthly newsletter instead of having it mailed to their house should contact Daryl Bunch either by phone or email locations shown above.