August 2003 Newsletter
Web Page Address: Issue: 08/03 August 2003 |
Camino Tassajara Danville,
California 94526 (925) 736-7600 |
Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,
President: Jim Stalker,   Vice President: Nick Nickerson
Editor: Don Meeker,
Webmaster: Sam Edge
August Meetings:
August 5, 7:30PM Board of Directors Meeting, Citi Bank (formerly CalFed Bank), San Ramon
August - Joint Meeting cancelled: The scheduled Joint Meeting has been cancelled due to continuing construction at the Charlotte Wood School.
Club Notes
Diablo Bonsai Club October Show - October 18 & 19, 2003, Danville Community Center
Set up for the show will be late afternoon, Friday the 17th. We will need as many members as possible to help with the set up. Plan on being at the Danville Community Center to help.
Nick Nickerson has the sign up sheets for the several committees for the Club Fall Show. Please sign up with Nick, if you have not done so, so your fellow club volunteers can do the planning work needed to produce a show we can all be proud of and learn from.
All Club Members, even the newest members, are expected and invited to have two display trees for the show. Pick two or three candidates from your collection and bring them to the September Classes along with your donation trees. Even if you have only very young trees to show that is fine, this for all of us.
The Tree Sales Committee will need to get all sale trees inventoried. If you have K review them before the September meeting, be sure to bring a written record identifying the trees and the price K has suggested and give that information to Jim Stalker.The San Ramon Juniper - Delayed until after the October Show.
Editor's Note: Sensei Kunitoshi Akabane is recovering from surgery and I am sure he would appreciate hearing from Club members.
Events Elsewhere
August 23 & 24, Santa Rosa, Redwood Empire Bonsai Society 20th Annual Bonsai Show at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave., Santa Rosa. Saturday 10A<-5PM, Sunday 10AM-4PM. Demonstrations, Saturday by Kath Shaner at 1:30PM and Sunday by Yasuo Mitsuya at 1:30PM.
Diablo Bonsai Look Ahead Schedule
September 2 - Board Meeting, 7:30PM Citi Bank, San Ramon
September 8 - Basic Class Meeting. Bring Show material & donation material to class. Refreshments Marcia Couzins & Loretta Hayes
September 15 - Intermediate Class Meeting. Bring Show material & donation material to class. Refreshments - Bob Lausten.