October 2003 Newsletter
Web Page Address: Issue: 10/03 October 2003 www.angelfire.com/ca2/diablobonsai |
Camino Tassajara Danville,
California 94526 (925) 736-7600 |
Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,
President: Jim Stalker,   Vice President: Nick Nickelson
Editor: Don Meeker,
October 7, 7:30PM: Board of Directors Meeting, Tassajara Nursery, Danville
Note Meeting Change
October 13 - Joint Class Meeting, 7:30PM: : Basic Class Topic: Ikadabuki (raft style). Intermediate Class Topic: planting on a rock. Bring the tree you planted on a rock last year. If you want to plant a tree on a rock, bring the materials to class. Bring sale or display trees that you have not previously reviewed with Sensei.
Refreshments: Patricia Hines and Jack Mahshi.
Friday, October 17 - Club show set up. Construction crew meet at Livermore locker at 4:30pm. Everyone else meet at the Danville Community Center at 6:00pm to help with the set up. All possible hands will be needed to complete the set up.
Bring all display and sale trees to the Danville Community Center between 6:00pm and 9:00pm.
Saturday, October 18. & Sunday, October 19
Club show opens at 10:00am. Check with your Committee Chairpersons on times you need to be at the Center.
Bring food dishes for the Hospitality Room by 11:00 am.
The Hospitality Committee, co-chairs Billy Morenz and Loretta Hayes, manages the dinning area so club members, their families and guests and Club guests may relax and eat. There are drinks, coffee, etc, as well as food. Club members are also expected to donate food for the dining room both days, entree's, finger foods, or desserts. If you are unable to donate food please talk with the committee persons about contributing money.
Events Elsewhere
October 4-5, San Mateo, BASS (Bay Area Shohin Society) Show. San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside (off Alameda de Las Pulgas). Hours: Saturday 12noon-4:30PM, Sunday 10AM-4:30PM. Demonstrations both days at 1:30PM.
October 11-12, Oakland, East Bay Bonsai Society 42nd Annual Show at Lakeside Garden Center 666 Bellevue Ave. Boon Manakitivipart will lead a workshop at 1PM on Saturday (open to silent observers) and a demonstration on Sunday at 1:00PM. Tour the adjacent Bonsai and Suiseki Garden of the Golden State Bonsai Collection - North.
October 12, Cupertino, Midori Bonsai Club 42nd Annual Bonsai Show at Yamagami's Nursery, 1362 S. DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino. Hours are 9AM-5PM. Public workshop in the morning. Continuous demonstrations by club members in the afternoon.
October 18-19, Hayward, Yamato Bonsai Club 31st Annual Bonsai Show at Centennial Hall, Foothill Blvd. at City Center Drive, Hayward. Hours are 10AM-5PM both days. Demonstrations by John Uchida at 2PM both days.
October 25-26, Sacramento, Capitol City Bonsai Association 5th Annual Show supporting the GSBF Bonsai Collection North and the Bonsai clubs of Sacramento. Sacramento Garden and Art Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd. Hours Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM. Demonstrations both days by individual clubs at 1PM.
Diablo Bonsai Look Ahead Schedule
November 4 - Board Meeting, 7:30PM, Tassajara Nursery, Danville.
November 10 - Basic Class Meeting. 7:30PM Topic: Bunjin or Literati Style. Review of Show. Workshop, final show preparations. Refreshments: David Skidmore & Colin Horn
November 17 - Intermediate Class Meeting. 7:30PM Topic: Review of Show and year's work. Refreshments: Don Meeker.