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November 2003 Newsletter

Web Page Address:                            Issue: 11/03 Novemberber 2003

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,

President: Jim Stalker,                                         Vice President: Nick Nickelson

Editor: Don Meeker,                                           Webmaster:


Saturday - November 8, 9:30AM: Board of Directors Meeting, Jim Stalker Residence, Danville

Monday - November 10 - Basic Class Meeting, 7:00 - 7:15PM Library Open, 7:15-7:30 Business Meeting. 7:30 Class Instruction by Sensei Akabane, Topic: Bunjin (Literati style). Review of show. 8:00-10:00PM - Workshop.

Refreshments: David Skidmore & Colin Horn.

Monday November 17 - Intermediate Class Meeting,7:00-7:15pm Library open, 7:15-7:30 Business Meeting, 7:30PM Class Instruction, Topic: Review of Show and year's work. 8;00-10:00PM - Workshop

Refreshments: Don Meeker

Club News

From the President: Congratulations and thanks to the Club members for their support and hard work. We can all be proud of a strong and successful show. I am sure you were all as proud and happy as K and I were with the asthetic quality of the show, and the strong participation of the Club Members. Thanks. Jim Stalker.

From the Editor: Rebecca Harris wrote: Thanks to the kind hearted and strong armed members who assisted by lifting my heavy things - including the extremely helpful teenager - Alan. This is to let all of you know that your kindness is really appreciated.

Rebecca also noted that one of her stands from under an accent plant is still missing. It is black wood, about 4 1/2" by 10", curved under on both ends. It is part of a set. If you find it in your things please make arrangements to return it to Rebecca.

I recently received a notice about a new European Shohin Bonsai Website which some of you with internet access may find of interest.

The website is the work of Morten Albek, a well known bonsai artist, and enthusiast in Denmark. A part of this website is kindly supervised by Mr. Takeshi Higuchi and All Japan Shohin-bonsai Association.

Shohin-bonsai Europe -

Diablo Bonsai Look Ahead Schedule

Tuesday December 2 - Board Meeting, 7:30PM, Tassajara Nursery, Danville.

Monday December 8 - Joint Class Meeting. 7:30PM Election of Officers for 2004. Review of Year. Workshop. Refreshments: Steve Huskins and Jim Merrill.