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May 2007 Newsletter

     Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600

                            Issue: 05/07 May 2007

Web Page Address:

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

May Meetings

NOTE: CHANGE IN MEETINGS. Basic Class will continue to meet on the 3rd Wednesday and the Intermediate Class will now meet the 4th Wednesday of each month. There will be no meetings in August.

Meetings are held in the large upstairs room at the Heather Farm Garden Center, Walnut Creek. Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.

Meetings start at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and end at 9:30PM.
Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Tuesday - May 1st. Board Meeting, Charlotte Wood School, Danville. 7:30PM.

Saturday - May 12th. Field Trip to 3 nurseries in Sonoma, Sumigawa, Lone Pine and Miniature Plant Kingdom.

Wednesday, May 16th - 7:30pm. Basic Class Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments and help with cleanup and close:
                                           Marlene Logue.

Wednesday, May 23rd - 7:30pm. Intermediate Class Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments and help with cleanup and close: Dimitri Koovshinoff.

From the President

I'd like to take one last opportunity to thank all of our members who contributed to our successful(and profitable!) Spring Show. As usual, a lot of people pitched in to help make this a great event. In particular I'd like to thank Byron Nobriga, who, as well as acting as show Chair, also led the Construction Committee, and stepped in to do the demonstrations when K was unable to attend. Great job, everyone!

Though it seems we've just packed the last backdrop into the storage unit. We've already set the date for our 2008 Spring Show. Mark April 4th - 6th on your calendars today.

Part of getting ready for the next show is preparing donation trees for sale. To help you along, we are planning a field trip on May 12, to three nurseries in Sonoma County. As well as visiting our old favorites, Sumigawa Nursery and Lone Pine Gardens, we will also visit the Miniature Plant Kingdom, near Occidental. This nursery specializes in dwarf conifers and miniature roses as well as 'bonsai' stock. They are closing up their business at the end of June, so this is the last chance to visit a great nursery. Details for the trip will come to you by e-mail or phone the first week of this month.

Finally, with our increasing membership, we have decided to once again hold two member meetings each month. Beginning May 23, intermediate members will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Basic members will continue to meet on the third Wednesday (May 16th this month). All member meetings will remain in the main, upstairs room at the Heather Farms Garden Center in Walnut Creek, and start at 7:30PM.

I hope you and your trees are enjoying a wonderful spring. Steve

Welcome to our new Members: We had two new members join in December 2006, and four more in 2007. Please make welcome - Dick Hipskind, Ted Holmsen, Brian and Connie Kelly, Ken Mc Millan, and Brian Rasmussen.

Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Wednesday, June 21st. 7:30PM. Basic Class Meeting. Topic to be announced.
Refreshments: Ken Mc Millan.

Wednesday, June 21st. 7:30PM. Intermediate Class Meeting. Topic to be announced.
Refreshments: Robert Lausten.

Events Elsewhere

Saturday and Sunday, May 5-6, Sacramento. Sacramento Bonsai Club: 61st Annual Bonsai and Suiseki Show at the Sacramento Buddhist Church, 2401 Riverside Blvd. Show hours are Saturday 12noon-5PM and Sunday 10AM- 4PM. Demonstrations at 2PM both days by Boon Manakitivipart. Benefit Drawing to follow.

Sunday, May 6, Watsonville Watsonville Bonsai Club 33rd Annual Bonsai Show at the Watsonville Buddhist Temple, 423 Bridge St. Show hours are 10AM-5PM. Demonstration at 2PM by Tom Ogura from Monterey.

Saturday and Sunday, May 19-20, Sacramento Satsuki Aikokai of Sacramento: Annual Show at the Sacramento Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd. Show hours are Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM. Demonstrations both days at 1:30PM followed by benefit drawings.

Sunday, May 20, San Mateo. San Mateo Bonsai Club: Annual Satsuki Bonsai Show at the San Mateo Gardeners’ Association Hall, 503 E. Fifth Ave. (corner of Claremont and 5th Ave.) Hours are 10AM-4PM.

Sunday, June 3, Seaside. Monterey Bonsai Club 44th Annual Exhibition at the Monterey Buddhist Temple in Seaside at 1150 Noche Buena. Show hours are 11AM-4PM. Demonstration at 1:30PM by Katsumi Kinoshita.

Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3, San Mateo. Sei Boku Bonsai Kai: 24th Annual Show at the San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way. Hours are 10AM-4PM both days.

Saturday and Sunday, June, 2-3, Oakland. Bay Area Satsuki Aikokai : 13th Annual Satsuki Bonsai Show at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave. Hours are 10AM-5PM Saturday, 10AM-4PM Sunday. Demonstrations using mature trees each day at 1:30PM 1:30PM by Rick Garcia on Saturday and by Johnny Uchida on Sunday.

Diablo Bonsai Club Officers

Steve Huskins - President,    Byron Nobriga - First Vice President
Sylvia Roemer - Secretary,     Jim Stalker - Treasurer,
Club Historian - Lois Naye.    Editor & Webmaster - -

Diablo Bonsai Club May 2007 Newsletter