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October 2007 Newsletter

     Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600

                            Issue: 09/07 September 2007

Web Page Address:

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

October Meetings

Meetings are held in the large upstairs room at the Heather Farm Garden Center, Walnut Creek, and are scheduled on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.  Meetings start at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and end at 9:30PM.
Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Tuesday - October 2nd - Board Meeting, Charlotte Wood School, Danville. 7:30PM.

Saturday, October 6th - Field Trip to bonsai nurseries in the Sacramento area.  See the "Notes" section for details.

Wednesday, October 17th - 7:30pm. Basic Class Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments and help with cleanup and close: Barbara Richards.

Wednesday, October 24th - 7:30pm. Intermediate Class Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments and help with cleanup and close:  Lois Naye.


Bonsai Nurseries Field Trip:  Saturday October 6th: We will visit 2 bonsai nurseries in the Sacramento area.  At 10:00 we have an appointment at Maruyama Bonsai Nursery in Sacramento, and then at 12:30 we will visit the Lotus Bonsai Nursery and Gardens near Placerville. A sheet of directions and information has been attached.  Please let me know if you will attend, so that we can plan accordingly. Also, if  you would either like to attend but need a ride, or have space available for another member, let me know:  Steve Huskins: (925) 937-4216,

Spring Show 2008 - April 4-6:  We are now in the process of appointing chairpersons to each of the show committees. If you have never led one of the show committees, this is the year to step up and volunteer.  The show only happens when we share the responsibilities among all our members.  So far we have the following chairs:



Show Chair





Byron Nobriga

Hospitality (Food)



Jim Stalker





Security / Raffle




By now, you should have a good idea of the trees you plan to donate for sale at the show. Each member needs to donate 3 or 4 trees. To cover the cost of the show, the club must take in $100 in tree sales for every member. Please start bringing in your donation trees to our monthly meetings so that 'K' can help you get them ready for this spring.


Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Wednesday, November 28th - 7:30pm.  Joint Meeting.
                                            Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                            Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                            Refreshments and help with cleanup and close: Sylvia Roemer and Gale Newcomb.


Events Elsewhere

Saturday October 6 Salinas, California
Salinas Bonsai Club
: Annual Bonsai Show at the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, 536 Lincoln Ave.  Show hours are 11AM-4PM.  Demonstration at 1:30PM by Katsumi Kinoshita.  A raffle will follow the demonstration. Plenty of parking for groups. For information call Tim or Karen Shea (831) 663-4780, or Don White (831) 724-9283.

Saturday - Sunday October 6-7   San Mateo, California
Bay Area Shohin Society:
  Biennial Show at the San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way.  Hours are Saturday 12noon-4PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM.

Saturday - Sunday October 6-7    Oakland, California
East Bay Bonsai Society:
46th Annual Bonsai Show and Sale at the Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue (off Grand Ave. near I-580, near Fairyland). Hours are Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 11AM-4:30PM. Demonstration at 1PM Sunday by Michael Hagedorn who apprenticed 2.5 years in Japan. Beginners’ session Sat. morning.  Michael Hagedorn workshop Sat. afternoon.  Free admission, Ample parking, Raffle, Sales of plants and supplies. For more information, email to

Saturday - Sunday October 20-21   Hayward, California
Yamato Bonsai Kai:
35th Annual Bonsai Exhibition at the Centennial Hall, 22292 Foothill Blvd.  Show hours are Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM.  Demonstration at 1PM both days by Johnny Uchida with Tony Hayworth and Mike Baker. Exhibits/Demo admission $5, includes 1 raffle ticket for the demo tree.  Vendors, Plant Sales, and Door Prizes.


Diablo Bonsai Club Officers

Steve Huskins - President,      Byron Nobriga - First Vice President,
Sylvia Roemer - Secretary,     Jim Stalker - Treasurer,
Lois Naye - Club Historian,    Newsletter Editor & Webmaster - Open.

Diablo Bonsai Club October 2007 Newsletter