October 2012 Newsletter
Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600 Issue: 10/12 October 2012 Web Page Address: www.angelfire.com/ca2/diablobonsai |
2550 Camino Tassajara Danville, California 94526 (925) 736-760 |
Please note the special October meeting time and place!
October Meeting
Saturday, October 13th, 9:30 AM - Workshop and Organizational Meeting - Home of Byron Nobriga, Danville.
Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule
Our November meeting is not yet scheduled.
Meeting Place - This month we will meet at the home of Byron Nobriga (see above). If you need directions, please call Byron, Jim or Steve.
Events Elsewhere
Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14, 2012 - Oakland,
East Bay Bonsai Society: Annual Exhibition and Demonstration. Show opens
10 AM both days. On Saturday at 1 PM, a member's workshop with John Thompson
will be held to which silent observers are welcome. On Sunday at 1 PM, a
demonstration by John Thompson will occur, which is open to the public without
charge. The demonstration tree will be raffled. Vendors and bonsai related sales
will be available on the premises. All day parking is $5.00 on Bellevue Ave. For
information, contact John Nackley at 510- 693-2420 or jnackley@eastbaybonsai.org.
For more information and directions see website: www.eastbaybonsai.org.
Saturday - Sunday, October 20 - 21, 2012 - Union
City, California
Yamato Bonsai Kai: 41st Annual Bonsai Exhibition and Demonstration
featuring Johnny Uchida with Mike Baker and Tony Hayworth, Location: Southern
Alameda County Buddhist Church, 32975 Alvarado-Niles Road. Admission of $5.00
includes entry to the exhibit and sales area, viewing of the demonstration and a
raffle entry for the demo tree. Saturday hours: 1 PM - 9 PM with demonstration
at 6:30 PM. Yamato members will serve dinner from 5 - 6 PM; donations accepted.
Sunday hours: 10 AM to 4 PM with demonstration at 1 PM. Visit
www.yamatobonsaikai.org for club information.
Diablo Bonsai Club Officers
Byron Nobriga – President
Jim Stalker - Treasurer
Steve Huskins - Secretary