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The theme of the weekend will be:
Arise, shine!
For your light has come.
Isaiah 60:1

The primary scripture passage will be:

"We proclaim Christ Jesus as our Lord, and ourselves as servants, for Jesus' sake. For the same God who said 'Out of darkness, let light shine,' has caused His light to shine within us."

I Corinthians 4:5-6

The preparation for the next Cursillo is proceeding quite well. There have been many strides in the planning.

The 1998 Fall Coed Cursillo will be held Oct. 8th through the 11th. It will be once again at Camp St. Francis retreat in Aptos, Ca.

**Important** The target date for submitting completed canidate applications is September 1st.

Jack and Kathy Herbig from St. Mary's will be the rector/rectora. After some quick work they have a good start for their core team.

  • Rev. Carl Hansen --- All Saints --- Spiritual Director
  • Rev. Marcia Lockwood --- St. Mary's --- Spiritual Director
  • Art Schoenstadt --- Good Shepherd --- Music Director
  • John Firmalo --- St. Ansgar's --- Co-Head Cook
  • Glenna Meneely --- St. Ansgar's --- Co-Head Cook
  • Peter Albano --- Good Shepherd --- Co-Rector, Outreach

Team meetings will be held on five Saturdays, every other week, starting August 1st, from 9:00am to 4:00pm. The team will meet at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Corral de Tierra, and at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Salinas.

Please think and pray about how you can be a part of this weekend. Look at the many ways you can contribute. There are many possibilities:
  • by sponsoring a canidate
  • by contributing money or food
  • by doing Palanca runs
  • by organizing a Palanca party for your church or fourth-day group
  • by writing Palanca to the canidates and team
  • by organizing a crew to bring in Saturday lunch
  • by joining the clean-up crew on Sunday
  • by coming for Mananitas and Clausura
  • by helping the new Cursillistas get into fourth-day activities
  • and especially, by praying for the canidates and the team
Please contact the Herbig's if you think you could be of any assistance. I'm sure they would appreciate your help. They can be reached at (408) 649-3087 or

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