FrEaKsHoW continued...

Hey, I have a joke... what do you get when you cross Jabba the Hut with The State puff marshmellow man from the first Ghostbusters? Give up? THIS GUY!

This is Erik. You see, he spells his name with a "K" instead of a "C." Therefore he thinks he's the reincarnation of the Viking warrior Erik the Red. Only problem here is, Erik isn't red. Probably the only thing red about him is the palm of his hand...

... just be sure not to tick him off, or wake him up... or he'll sit on you. In which your breath leaves you, and ribs crack like twigs. Being underneath his ass is very unforgiving too. You would think it's soft and fluffy like clouds or foam or something, but noooo... his ass is grade A rump roast. The gay guy that lives next door to him told me that...

Here we find him stealing a truck. Of course you technically can't steal your own truck, but that's what he's trying to do... because there's some cute chick out of view. Not like she's looking or not... well, maybe at me... but then she's probably wondering, "Why's he taking a picture of the other guy?" I don't know cute girl... I don't know.

Here's Erik looking like the Albino Stevie Wonder. He's the only guy I know that can drive while looking in the back for food or porn. Awww damn, I just got a nasty image in my mind.
