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morbid butterfly

Items you may find in this, my web page:

Hello and thank you for visiting my web page. Basically my web page consists of links you might be interested in, and poetry I have written...please do not duplicate my poetry unless you give credit to the you. Check out some of these links...and drope me a line to put in your thoughts or whatevr you wish...I have nothing more to say...(for now!) thank you, Morbid Butterfly

preferred websites

Stabbibg Westward...If you appreciate good music.. can find almost ANYTHING on NiN in here!!!
type-o-negative...really can even dowmload animated cursors.
get awesome NiN backgrounds here!
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.
Cocaine Kiss...poetry and stories.
Contains links to Anne Rice, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and gothic literature
19th century works...poetry and stories.
German/English-----Official Rammstein site.
HOT TOPIC =women's/men's apparel (corsets,pantent pants etc.), shoes (TALL lace up boots,lots of unique shoes), jewelry (tounge rings,vertebrae rings etc.), make-up (LOTS of MINDI etc.), novelty (celtic candle holders,inscense etc.), posters (Sublime,Korn,Marilyn Manson etc.) stickers (Beastie Boys,Metallica,Blink 182 etc.) music(Punk-O-Rama,DoubleExposure,DarkNoiseComp. etc.) GREAT STORE!!!
the dark pages of morbid butterfly~my poetry
