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Jan.27 Article

As many of you may have noticed work is finally underway at the old bank of Nova Scotia building to convert it into the new Charlotte County credit union. It’s been a long time coming, but it should finally be opened in a month or two.

Last week there was a lot of talk in the news about the long awaited report from the Premier’s Health Quality Council You can find the report at the following web address: It’s 125 pages long but you can easily navigate through the report. Just what impact the report will have on Fundy Health Centre just isn’t known yet, but if you read through the report you’ll be able to draw some conclusions of your own and there not all good.

The weather has been a great topic of conversation around the water cooler. All the snow has been good for sliding though. One paper last week released a list of spots sent in by readers that they thought were great sliding spots. Locally the hill in behind the Mountie Barracks was mentioned. Here in Blacks the farm field behind the old potato house is another hot spot this year.

My web site is going to be going through some major changes in the upcoming weeks. It will be more modernized and some links will disappear and other will be new. Check back often to see the updates.

Sources tell me that workers at Connors are facing another lay-off in the near future. There’s usually a spring lay-off but this year’s lay-off is expected earlier than usual. Most big orders have been filled and warehouses are filling up. You just never know how long the work will last. Next week they might get a huge order and not get laid off at all. The Connors Bros. Income fund is holding on strong closing out Saturday at $12.04.

St.George is looking to borrow money for a new fire truck and a new service truck and Blacks is hoping to get the money for a new fire truck and a new fire hall. They’ve been working on this for a couple of years now and it would be nice to see something happen soon.

As reported last week there was more bad news for church parishioners belonging to the Catholic Church in St.George. The church is in a state of disrepair and the parishioners will have to decide what their next step will be. Repairs will be costly and the communities will have to join forces to cover costs. This just on the heel of the fire that destroyed another church just up the road. I’m sure things will be fine and once everybody get together and with help from up above things will fall into place. On a happier note the Sea View Full Gospel church is launching a new web site that can be found at This past Sunday their service was carried on 98.1 F.M The Tide.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I thought you might be interested in this Redneck poem:

Redneck Ode to Valentine's Day
Kudzu is green,
My dog's name is Blue
And I'm so lucky,
To have a sweet thang like you.

Your hair is like cornsilk,
A-flappin' in the breeze.
Softer than Blue's,
And without all them fleas.

You move like the bass,
Which excite me in May.
You ain't got no scales,
But I luv you anyway.

You have all your teeth,
For which I am proud;
I hold my head high,
When we're in a crowd.

Still them fellers at work,
They all want to know,
What I did to deserve,
Such a purty, young doe.

Like a good roll of duck tape,
Yo're there fer yore man,
To patch up life's troubles,
And stick 'em in the can.

Yo're as strong as a four-wheeler,
Racin' through the mud,
Yet fragile as that sanger,
Named Naomi Judd.

When you hold me real tight,
Like a padded gunrack,
My life is complete;
Ain't nuttin' I lack.

Yore complexion, it's perfection,
Like the best vinyl sidin'.
Despite all the years,
Yore age keeps on hidin'.

And when you get old,
Like a '57 Chevy,
Won't put you on blocks,
And let grass grow up heavy.

Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie,
With a RC cold drank,
We go together,
Like a skunk goes with stank.

Some men, they buy chocolate
For Valentine's Day;
They git it at Wal-mart,
It's romantic that way.

Some men they buy diamonds
From a flea market booth.
"Diamonds are forever,"
They explain, suave and couth.

But, I got you a gift,
Without taste nor odor,
Better than diamonds...
It's a new trollin' motor!

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