MThd"MTrkX`AQ/MTrk+ Soft karaoke@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE/MTrk2Words@LENGL@TAnimaniacs Theme9@TBrought to you by Ken Vong (\It's time for A@ni@man@i@acs/And@ we're@ Za@ny@ to@ the@ max/So@ just@ sit@ back@ and@ re@lax@/You'll@ laugh  till` you@ col@lapse/We're Animan@i@acs\Come join@ the@ War@ner@ bro@thers@/And@ the@ War@ner@ Sis@ter@ Dot/Just@ for@ fun@ we@ run@ a@round@ the@ War@ner@ mo@vie@ lot@/They@ lock@ us@ in@ the@ to@wer when@e@ver@ we@ get@ caught@/But@ we@ break@ loose@ and@ then@ run@ vamoose@/And@ now@ you@ know@ the@ plot@\We're@ A@ni@man@i@acs/Dot@ is@ cute and Yako yaks/Wak@ko@ packs  a`way@ the@ snacks@/While@ Bill@ Clinton@ plays@ the@ sax@/We're@ Animan@i@acs@\Meet@ Pin@ky@ and@ the@ Brain@ who@ want@ to@ rule@ the@ u@ni@verse@/Good@fea@thers@ flock@ to@ge@ther@ Slap@py@ wacks@ 'em@ with@ her@ purse/But@tons@ cha@ses@ Min@dy while@ Ri@ta@ sings@ a@ verse@/The@ wri@ters@ flipped@ we@ have@ no@ script@ why@ bot@her@ to@ re@hearse?@\We're@ A@ni@man@i@acs/We@ have@ pay for play contracts@/We're@ za@ny@ to@ the@ max/There's  ba`lo@ney@ in@ our@ slacks@\We're@ Animan@y@/To@tal@ly@ in@sa@n@y@/Here's@ the show's@ namey@/Animan@i@acs!/Those  arep thep facts!/MTrkAMelodyqY?@?e@>@>e@?@?e@A A@ ??e0> >e ??e0<<@|>>d$??d$A A@ ??d$> >d ??d$::@|<4>dLE4Ed C4Cd B4Bd C4Cd >4>d C4Cd B4Bd C4Cd E4Ed C4Cd B4Bd C4Cd @4@d >4>d <44>d Y@4@d >4>d =4=d >4>d ;4;d >4>d =4=d >4>d @4@d >4>d =4=d >4>d 949d >>d$@4@d >4>d =4=d >4>d 949d >4>d =4=d >4>d @4@d >4>d =4=d >4>d ;4;dL747d 747d ;4;d >4>d C4Cd C4CdLC4Cd E4Ed C4Cd B4Bd C4Cd @4@d >4>d @4@d >4>d >4>d >4>d A4Ad ?4?d ?4?d ?4?d B4Bd @4@d @4@d @4@d A4Ad AAd$YC C@ AAe0@ @e AAe0>>@|@@d$AAd$C@C@@A@Ad@@@@d@A@Ad@<<@<<,>dA,AdFd0>>d0>?d0??d0?@d0@@d0@Ad0AAd0ABd0BBd0BCd0CCd0CDd0DDd0DEd0EEd0EFd0FFd0FdGd`Gd RdFdd>d$Ad>ddD@d=d@d=d$Ad>dAd>dd@d@d$AdAd$Cd@C@@Ad@Ad@@d@@d@Ad@Ad@d,>dAd,AdFd<>d$>d<>dD=d=d$>d>dd@<@d$A<Ad$C<@C@@A<@Ad@@<@@d@A<@Ad@<<<,>dA<,AdF<<>d$Ad<,>dA<,AdF<Z,?Zp>d|K>d$AK>KdD@K=K@d=d$AK>KAd>dd@K@d$AKAd$CK@C@@AK@Ad@@K@@d@AK@Ad@K,>dAK,AdFK