Welcome to Gabe TV

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The gods must be smiling --Alexandra Tydings ("Aphrodite") wows a packed-out crowd
at the annual Hercules and Xena Convention in Santa Monica. More photos to come.
Special thanks to Creation Entertainment for their kind permission to shoot photos.
(Photo copyright 1999, Gabriel Yee)

We were at the Convention!

We were at the convention --We were!
Gabe, Daphne, Olga, and Valarie.
(Photo copyright 1999, Daphne Wong)

Light Saber(s)
The Force, The Force...



Have a nice day!

Make mine well done...

Stay tuned...we hope to have a revamped website in...well, let me think this over...

Take Me Out to the Ballroom- Check out Randolph Lim and Jim Lew's swing dance photos!

Wedding Album (Under reconstruction)..

Not FAQs, but Quest.

Visit our friends at Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles, 1255 San Gabriel Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. (626) 280-0477 (www.ebcla.org website design by Ron Gilmore)..

Free Animations

Year 2000 Issues (Y2K)

Feedback xena@ktb.net

Bug Me | Holiday Cheer | Hercules/Xena | ICU (LASIK)
Swing | Wedding Album | Year 2000