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The 411 From SeahorseLove

June 6, 1999

Hi! as you can see the Jordan Knight Galaxy is under construction. I hope that you will like the new sections I am adding. As for me I am really excited about the concert I am going to where Jordan is going to perform. As it is I won tickets on the radio! Am I lucky or what! I tried all day to get them but finally on the last try i won! I had to be caller number 9. So now i am gonna be in the 3rd row of the radio concert in San Diego June 13! I am just too excited! Well I really hope that you like the new sections. Please sign the guestbook or if you have any comments feel free to email me! Thanks!


January 6, 1999

I am rearanging my whole site. I hope you like it. This page will just be little notes from me as I get more info or when I update. All the notes below are from my original page but I didn't want to erase it all so I put them here.

Jnauary 5, 1998

Okay, the name of the song played on Boston's Kiss 108 is "Never Take the Place of Your Man". It is a remake of a Prince song and yes I DO have the lyrics. You can get them HERE You can request Kiss 108 to play it HERE Request Now! The song played on Power 96 in Miami, FL is "Give it to You". Apparantly they are two different songs.

As of today my page is under huge construction :)


January 4th 1999

Just found out the name of the song in "Never Take the Place of Your Man" and it is a remake of a Prince song. Even better I found a site where you can actually listen to it! It is on the Knight of My Life web page and you can listen to Jordans song Here. I got this info thanks to the Since You Walked Into My Life web page. I am still trying to find the lyrics and when I get them I will post them up. Keep it real! Seahorse21

January 3rd, 1999

Happy New Year!!!! I hope you all had fun for new years! I did! First I kicked it with my family and then I went to a party with my friend Jessica. It was pretty cool at first until a fight broke out and then we had to go home :( It's all good though! Also I just heard that Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney, and Ice Cube are near my hometown to film a movie called "Three Kings". It even says so on Mark Wahlbergs on Mark's Official Site Supposedly it is about Desert Storm. I live in El Centro which is right in the middle of the desert so that's why they are filming it here. I am going to carry a camera with me at all times just in case I see someone famous! Then I will post the pics here as soon as I get to a scanner. I'll keep you posted if I see anyone :-)

There has been some good news on Jordan Knight as well. A radio station in Boston played his song and just recently Power 96 in Miami also started playing his song. In one week they played his song 9 times. You can get this info from They don't say what song it is though. If you know what song they have been playing could you please email me? Thanks!

Did you know that Jordan has the same manager as Deborah Cox? If you don't know who she is, she sings the song called "Nobody's supposed to be here". Her video has been coming out on MTV lately. If you still don't know who she is I belive she has her own web site at or you might be able to find something on her at


November 16, 1998

The rumor about Jordan having a heart attack is not true! Thanxs to Kristen, she confirmed that a radio DJ just said that to bag on Jordan. What a jerk huh! Well remember, please do not spread any rumors or believe any rumors until you have some proof allright! Keep it real!!!

November 13, 1998

Guess what folks! Jordan is having another chat! I hope nothing goes wrong this time. (Jordan! Make sure your cell phone battery is charged! lol) The chat will held on Friday Nov. 27th at 8 pm Eastern. Of course it will be held at the same old #JordanKnight on DALnet

October 14th 1998 , You are probably wondering why I havent updated, Well it is because I am a college student now and I have been pretty busy getting adjusted and all. Also, another reason is because I havent had the internet in my room hooked up yet. So I just got it hooked up today (Thank God!! :) So now I will get back to making this site better. For any of you who are coming accross a Jordan Knight site for the first time, be sure that you check out his official web site HERE

Date:???? So whats up everyone? Well I have to tell ya, I am so amazed at the number of people who have visited this site. I feel so bad that I havent updated it :( but hopefully now I will spend more time on it :) I have been going to Jordan's chats and as you may already know, something always goes wrong :(. There was a chat yesterday but it was cut short because the battery to Jordan's cell phone went out. I don't know if it is bad luck or if Jordan is sraight dissin us. I hope it is just bad luck....