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Just Give Me A Chance

The first day I saw you everything around you turned to fog
I wanted to say hello but when you passed my throat would clog
I never believed in love at first sight but now I can say I do
because I fell in love at the moment I saw you
I am constantly thinking about you and wondering if I should call
I wanna get to know you even though you may not be interested at all
What is it about you that maked my heart skip a beat
If I don't have a chance with you my life would be incomplete
Maybe it's just a crush, infatuation deep within
and when it's finally over maybe a new infatuation will begin
You might think I am too young for you
but I can prove you wrong
Just give me a chance to show that in my arms is where I belong
but all I can do now is stare wishing you were my man
Maybe someday you'll know how I feel Maybe you'll understand
Maybe someday you'll realize just how much I think of you
And maybe in the future you'll begin to think of me too
