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My Jordan Dream Page

Ok...ok....this is what yall have been waiting for. A journal of the wierdest dreams I have had about Jordan. That is of course, if you are interested in hearing about them. What inspired me to do this page is that I was chatting with a gal (if you c this u know who u are lol) in the KKO chatroom. It was just me and her and I had just had this dream about Jordan. She asked me to share it with her and so I did. So then I thought hey I should share this stuff with all the Jordan fans out there. So I am making this page my Jordan Dreampage. Now, I am not a regular Jordan dreamer so there wont be much updated often but when I do happen to have a dream about Jordan, I'll keep it posted here.

Since I haven't been updating often I havent been posting up my dreams :(. I remember a few Jordan dreams that I has but I just don't remember when I dreamt them. There was this one where I was at an amusement park and I think I was with classmates and family members. I wandered away from everyone and I was just walking around by myself. Soon I came across a stage and Jordan was there getting ready to perform. He was going to do this little concert to promote his solo album. I went up to him and we started talking. Then we had to end our conversation cuz everyone recognized him and started going crazy. The end.

Another dream that I had: I was at a park celebrating a family member's birthday. I wandered off to this building next to the park. I went inside and it took me to this underground club where Jordan Knight and Michael Africk were performing. So I kicked it and watched them perform. :) The end.

Monday, November 16th
Okay, I had a dream last night about Jordan! :) It was very brief. I dont remember any details. All I remember is that we were talking as if we were the best of friends. Pretty cool huh!

Friday, July 17th
Okay this a dream I had a couple of days ago. Now it's kinda long so be prepared :). It started out in a place that looked much like my elementary school but it wasn't. It was really the city I lived in but more like a little town. Well anyways....Jordan happened to live on the outskirts of the town up this one road. I dont recall how but somehow I found out that he lived there so I thought I would drop by his house and say hello (like any of you would do). So when I got there I knocked at the door and his mom answered the door. But his mom in the dream was my real life bf's mom. Wierd huh! Well so I met his mom but she acted like we already knew eachother (well no duh!). She was excited to have me meet her son Jordan. So she introduced him (WOW) to me. Boy was I nervous. Well we got along right off the bat. We started watching TV. Then somehow, I ended up sitting on his lap and he was hugging me from behind! Then he started kissing me on the cheek! (Thats right ladies) Well just when things were getting juicy, I remembered my boyfriend. So I told Jordan that we shouldnt be doing that and besides I just met him. (i dont know y i did that). So we were just talking and then his mom came in and told Jordan that it was time for him to go to Quinceneara practice (For those of you who dont know what a quinceneara is, it is a Mexican party or reception or whatever that is thrown for a girl whern she turns 15. She has 7 couples who perform a waltz at the reception so that have to go to practice to learn the steps) So it turns out that he promised some girl that he would come out in a quince with her and it was time for him to go to practice. But he did not want to go. He started complaining to his mom that he did not want to go and that he did not want to come out in the quince. He wanted to stay and talk to me instead. I then found out that my best friend went to his house the day before and she was the one that asked him to come out in the quince. I felt bad so I left to my house. Wellllll there is this public pool down the street from my house. But there is also a lot of gang members who hang out there as well. Well Jordan was taking a swim and the gangsters started to harrass him (poor baby) well Jordan was about to do tell the gangster off when some held him back and warned him that the gangsters could very easily hurt him so he should be careful. Well Jordan went along with his swim (he looked good in those trunks too!) Then someone told him that there was a gangster hanging around by his house. This really ticked Jordan off so Jordan took of running towards his house. I started to run after him to stop him but he didn't listen to me. When we got to his house, there was a gangster leaning against the house with a half naked chick. Jordan was mad because the guy was disrespecting his pad y'know. So Jordan takes a swing at this guy. But then the guy pulls out a gun (oh No!) and he shoots Jordan. I scream for help and an ambulance comes. I jump into the ambulance as they take pull him in on a stretcher. I grab his hand and tell him to hold on......then the phone rings.....and I wake up. And that is the end of that dream.

Friday July 17th- Okay now this dream I had just last night. I even shared it with some gals in the chatroom today. Not as intense as the other night but very short. I dreamt that Jordan had his house in my neighborhood and that I broke into it while he was gone. I was with my grandma and my brother. I guess they were sorta helping me or something. Well while I was in his pad I somehow couldnt get out. He was on his way home and I was desperately trying to find a way out because I would feel so bad if he caught me breaking into his house. Well I dont remember what happened next cuz I woke up. Wheeew!:0
