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Jordan in Teen Magazine!!!

Teen Magazine August, 1999
Solo Sweeties:Jordan Knight (pg. 71)
by Marisa Laudadio

Back in the day, waaay before your fave guy groups ever recorded a single note, the first big boy band--New Kids On The Block--was breaking hearts and conquering the charts. Those days might be over, but New Kid Jordan Knight's solo career is just taking off. He recently released a self-entitled debut album and is touring the country with n Sync this summer. So is fame as sweet the second time around? Nope. According to Jordan, it's even better.

Q: So who's better, today's boy bands or New Kids On The Block?
J: Collectively, they probably sing a whole lot better [laughing]. I don't know 'em really, really in depth. We were the only ones out like that at the time, so we didn't have to be compared to another group. It was just us. We didnt' have to share the spotlight.

Q: Are you happier as a solo artist?
J: Yeah, because I get to make all the decisionsm and it's a lot more fulfilling and satisfying. Because whatever I do, I can take full credit.

Q: A lot of the songs on your album are classic love songs--stuff about heartbreak, being there for someone, compromising in relationships. Where did you draw your inspiration from?
J: Everywhere, pretty much. You usually look to past relationships, or what's going on now. Even if you have a good relationship, you go through ups and downs. As long as human beings are around, we're all going to feel hurt, sad, rejected, lost, happy, euphoric over a new relationship. We're always going to feel those emotions. Everyone can relate to it.

Q: Have you learned any lessons about love?
J: You have to express yourself. You have to communicate, even if you feel some of your feelings are wrong, or that you don't deserve to say what you feel. You have to get past that and say it anyhow. It won't go away. ANything that's inside festering won't go away, until you let it out.

Q: Tell us about your girlfriend.
J: She's independent, she's got good values. She's strong and she doesn't put up with any BS, which is good, becuase you don't want someone who you can walk over or someone who's going to do whatever you want them to do. You don't want someone who doesn't have thier own mind made up.

Q: Have you made up your mind about your old group-mate Joey McIntyre's new record?
J: First of all, I gotta say congratulate him on writing the song ["Stay The Same"]. I think it's a really good song for people to hear because a lot of teenagers, especially, are into fitting in and [asking] "Who am I?" and searching for their identity. It's good for them to know that you dont' have to look for anything. You're just you.

Q:Are you and Joey still friends?
J: Yeah. We talked the other day. We're trying to put together a song to raise money for the Kosovo refugees. Not a duet--we want to get a lot of other people involved.

Q: What's your guiltiest pleasure?
J: I get caught in front of the TV at night, flipping through the channels. I usually eat these chocolate chip muffins and I drink tea. I just, like, eat more then I should and watch TV at night.

Q: What's something people would be surprised to know about you?
J: Let's see...I dont' cut my toenails. I just wait until they wear off. [laughing] That's nasty!

Pic of this article coming soon!