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Reviews                                                                 Pokemon

Title Pokemon
Format Gameboy
Type Rpg
Developer GameFreak
Publisher Nintendo
Release Out Now
First off I'm gonna explain the question "What Are Pokemon?"
Pokemon are incredible creatures that share the world with humans. There are 150 documented species of  

Many Pokemon evolve from one form

to another. Some Pokemon have three

                                                        different stages of evolution - they
                                                        gain experience and become more
                                                        powerful as they fight against each
Now for the Game reveiw:
This is one of my favourite gameboy games and is a must have for people of all ages and people with Gamboy
Colours or the Classic Gameboy. Your objective is to capture 150 pokemon and train the ones u all ready have
from a weak pokemon to a fearsome super strong warrior by gaining experience as explained at the top.
While doing this you must collect all of the 8 badges and win the pokemon leauge. This takes alot of game playing
hours and skill. Also RPG fans out there you'll like it to cause it's a Rpg with all the great features of one.
Be sure to check out the Japanese Anime cartoon which is extremely cool. Another cool feature of this game is
being able to trade and battle pokemon with a friend using the link up cable.
Bottom line:
You Just gotta have this Game cause i reakon it's one of the best Gameboy Games ever and it proves there's a
great future to come for Hand-Held Games!
I give this Game a 9.5!

- Double oh 6