Nathaniel (Gift fromYah)
...ah yes.....NATHANIEL! NAthaniel always keeps us on our toes! He is almost always happy and ready to give love! Nathaniel is heading into the first grade....his main interest right now is learning to read (He loves Capt Underpants!) and ROLLERBLADING!! GO NATHANIEL!!
Isabella (Consecrated of Yah)
Here is my beautiful 'Bella! She is as ornery as she is adorable...very hard to stay mad at this one! Her main objective in life is to frustrate her older siblings. She is doing a FINE job! Izzy also enjoys singing in church.....give that girl a tambourine! Isabella is the last model the Hobbs will be producing...definitley my *collector* item!
The Crew
Here is the whole crew! These little voices are actually what keep me sane! I praise God for the gift of my children everyday!
Here thay are at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, is hard to say which is sweeter: the candy or this picture!
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