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The orang minyak is actually a normal person but he has to rape virgin women to accomplish certain powers of the black arts! He would be nude and covered with oil (for lubrication? heheh) Anyway, this particular orang minyak I am going to tell you about is the one terrorising a higher education institute in Shah Alam. The story goes like this....... One night, after Linda (you guessed it's not her real name) was studying with her room mates for the exams. She got pretty tired so she decided to turn in for the night. She almost fell asleep when she felt as though someone was on top of her. She opened her eyes, she saw this huge nude man, on top of her! He was jet-black. She tried to scream but no voice came out. She tried to push him off, but she could not find any strength to do so. She felt weak and hypnotized. What angered her was, why didn't her room mates came to her aid. Well, Linda was raped by the orang minyak. She later cried, only then her room mates realised that some thing was not right. They asked Linda if she was alright. Linda cursed them. They were puzzled..... After Linda had calmed down, again her friends asked her what's wrong. Linda was pale and they noticed linda was a bit jumpy. Linda then asked them why they did not come to her aid when that man was raping her. All them went stark white. They never thought that it was the orang minyak's doing. They went to report to the warden of what happened. To Linda, it was an experience that will haunt her for the rest of her life. The authorities was not able to capture this orang minyak who terrorised the Institute. The Institute's management decided to bring a holy man to "chase" this orang minyak away. Well all has gone fine now except that this maniac attacks once in a while.

This story took from internet.....
