Evilness Inside of Love
By Trezure Fenton

I'm so tired of your crying.

And yet here I am still trying

I've grown - I've grown.

But my Love's not a loan.

I don't believe in your God.

And yet he exists to you - Fool!

I don't believe in your Devil-Man

I'm not a big Christianity fan.

Who I am, What I am.

Isn't really a sham.

I am who you see.

But that's not all there is to me

I can hide better then the Ghost.

I can play this game better then most.

I can and will fool the Fool

All using his own inner duel.

I love my man - My Man.

He'll kill you all - if he can.

All for me - his girl - his love without a doubt.

But - with your God, you already forsee this route?

I don't like people - they hurt.

treat others like dirt

But their mind - what makes them think

You can tell me all - but I'm no shrink

I love my freedom of will

From the Constitutions seal

I love this country - this place.

Don't ever forget my face.

There's EVIL inside of Love.

Nothing like shit from above.

We all kill for pleasure

Human lives? Thats no treasure!

Fuck you all - you murderer's

And all your fucking purgerours

Kill for me my heart - I'd do the same.

Just to cause another pain.

I'd love it - I do love it.

But it's all bullshit.

Evilness is in Love.

And no one see's it.....

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Email: dino_chick@hotmail.com