I e-mailed Dale, thanking him for leading me on and using me so throughly, and he e-mailed me back telling me he was sorry, and shit happened all week, and made him think, and blah blah blah. Honestly, I like him, and he hurt me, and I'm still pissed, cause I thought he hung up on me, I guess it was his roommate. BAD NOAH! It was rude no matter who it was. Thats a fucked up thing to do to someone. It's wrong, no matter what way you spin it. However I might be a moron, but I'm talking to him again. I dont know, whats wrong with me, people, am I just too nice? We talked on the phone for a few, and it made me feel better, but I still feel used. My feelings are still hurt. I guess though I'll forgive him, cause I know I've forgave Aaron of MUCH worse....most of you know what that was, those that dont can ask, and no it wasnt cheating.
I went snowboarding today! It was fucking awesome, i busted my ass hella, and it was fun! I ran over like 5 people, and I was ran over a few times, and I dont know how to stop or turn, but it was cool still. Cooper and I had a blast with me falling halfway down, at least I made it that far though. My wrist and elbow hurt, but thats all. My ass was froze cause my pants allowed TONS of snow in, and I only wear thongs. But it was so much fun I cant wait to go again. I'm going to take lessons the next few times too, its worth the money. its not too much or anything.
anyway I'm going to let you guys go, I'll write more laterz. love to you!
...he was lookin for a soul to steal
willing to make a deal
I'm the best theres ever been