January 30, 2004

Well, alots new. I'm on unemployment, and making hella more money that way then through honest, hard work. Nice. But, I'll only get it for a few months, then I'm taking that money to get a car, and a job. In the meantime, I'll look, but I wont go out of my way too much. I have to look to get it, but I'm not trippin like usual.

Jason and I arent talking still. He's buthurt that I chose someone over him. Though I didnt. He deserved what he got, he's had it coming. And it was classic, my ex even stood over him and said, YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!

I met someone new. His name is Marlo. its nto serious. He's 21, white, about 5'9(short! I know!)um...cute... He's nice, so far. He thinks the world of me, though and its weird, he's always telling me I'm wonderful and I'm not sure what he means by it. He's cool though, a college boy.

My new years was okay, I was in Reno. With HELLA other people. Lesbiens felt eachother up and were felt up by every man walking by them for about an hour in front of me, they would kiss and guys would come up with camers and film it with their buddies touching the girs to, or just with their arms around them. They were hot chicks, so I think that they were used to it....cause it was no thing for them and they werent all fucked up.

I met Marlo in Reno, actually, Katie and Buddy and I were getting beer, and this guy was checking me out. I'd already seen him 2 times that night with Katie at the Circus Circus, I'd checked him out too. He was walking back towards the Circus Circus and I said *Hey, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?* before he could answer, I said *I havent had a New Years kiss yet, and I was wondering if you could help me out?* He said *Hell yeah* and came over and kissed me. We've been on a few dates, I need to get to know him before I jump to anything.

Jeremy was sposed to move and I've yet to call him. I need to fix that. I cant loose touch with him, he's all i got from that segment of my life I feel. We're too close. When I would talk to him, I'd realize how much he means, and its weird him being close wasnt really what made him close, cause he's hella far and I kinda feel more close now when we talk then we did then, at times. Dont get me wrong, we'd always stay up all night talking, and I know EVERYTHING about him that there is to know. But we are good on the phone.

My ex's mom called the other day, her mother in law(Grandma) isnt doing all that great, but its expected, she's got Alzheimers. I miss them all so much, they are such good people. Sandy and Forest taught me alot about life and love, family. To appreciate things. They are the best anyone could ever get in guardian angels, and more then that they're friends. Anyway though I'm going up there soon and I'm going to go visit them.

Well its early in the AM, I dont sleep at night at all anymore cause I've got these dreams that are so persistant, they are horrid. And I cant remember them when I wake. It blows.

I'm going to wrap this up, with another promise to update more often. Since I cant waste money anymore I probably fufill this one. late.

back off
I'll take you on
Headstrong, take on anyone