November 14, 2003

I am so freakin homesick. I miss Reno. I miss my friends and my work and everything up there. I really miss the people up there. I hate Sacramento. I got only a few good things out of coming here, Laurie, and the rest of Bubba's family(my recent ex who is still a punk in my book), cause they are awesome. Finally his punk ass started to talk to me again too, cause he went to the bar with the rest of us. No I'm not 21 yet, I just started going however. Fuck it.

Recent news, Jason, my cousin was knocked out at the bar, for being beligerent. He was rude and it wasnt in me to take his shit that night, I'm going through too much on my own, and honestly, he deserved it. Its about time, I've waited years for someone to try and put him in his place. He thinks I turned my back on him, but ahh..these things happen. I didnt. I offered him a sober ride that he refused. It was offered more then once too.

I'm sick with the flu or some such something. I dont know what. I stayed home from work. Well, to tell the truth I'm hella depressed too...I hate everything, I'm living with my grandfather, so on that front things are better, more positive, and less crowded...but the rest of my life is in shambles. I need to get back into school or something.

My car is being repossessed. I was making partial payments and had a deal worked out with this girl, Rennee, and she was fired. So any deal I had made with her is null and void. They wouldnt let me make a huge deposit now or anything like that. They are fucking assholes. They wanted 900$ by monday morning, and they wouldnt take like 500$ monday and then on the 20th the rest, its not like I dont have a job, I have a job and I make decent money. But apparently its not good enough for the bastards. The dude actually said hes going to hunt me down at every job I have in the future and make sure I never work again, till I file bankruptsy....he's a pig.

If anyone out there reads this still, and I doubt that ya'll do....well....never mind. Fare well.

This year