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Hide *N SYNC

This hide and seek makes me an addict!

You have found Hide *N Sync! Thank you for visiting our site. This site was founded after Beth was surfing the web and came across N SYNC's Got It Goin On, *check out the site,it's listed in our links* and showed it to Stephanie because she thought it was so funny. This was the first humor page Beth had ever found, unlike Val who had seen many. We figured hey we spend so much time making fun of N Sync anyways why not make a web page. So we put our heads together and this is what we came up with. Enjoy!!!!

We would like to take this opportunity to warn you that this is a HUMOR site!!!(for those of you who don't know what humor is,we won't mention any names we'll just call them "teeny-boppers",) HUMOR=JOKE. (As in haha funny.)Don't worry we wont make fun of the guys entirely,ahem...cough...choke.....we really enjoy their music and all that fun stuff, but there are certian things that we can not let slip by without any comments. For example: our opening pic. Looks like Justin got the photo shoot confused with his other job!!! (YOUKNOWHATIMSAYIN?!?!?!) And we thought Chris was the only doctor in the group!!! Guess not!!!!!

Alright now that we've gotten that out of our systems, go ahead and take a look around and sign our guestbook. Please sign the guestbook!!!!

Check out our other site we made with our friend Rachel!! Enjoy!!

Tired of waiting in line to get Star Wars tickets? Well wait no more !! The girls of Hide *N SYNC and The Boyband Oasis have joined together to create a better version! Join JC Skywalker and Joeybacca ( Along with the members of 5ive, BSB, and 98*)on their quest to save Princess Lancea. Comming soon to a computer screen near you! Let the countdown begin!

Go vote for us here please!!! We will love you for life!! Thanx sooooo much!!! =)

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2/13 Guess who's back? Well almost. The Beth's pissed off page has been updated, and don't worry the angers not directed at you. I would appreciate it if everyone went and read it. Thanx for all of your support from the last page too. Hope I get as much if not more for this one.

~*~Our Crunk Nsync Poll~*~
Which NSYNC boy is most likely to become a professional wrestler?

Current Results

~*~*~Last updated: Februrary 13,2000~*~*~

Coming Soon To A Computer Near You:

Chris the Caveman.

Go back in time and find out about how Chris invented fire. Well ok maybe not, but it was close to that time.

The I Love Lancey Show! No hints on this one, it will have to be a surprise!! However there will be a sneak preview coming soon for all the members on our mailing list, so if you haven't joined yet, hurry up before you miss the preview!!

If you take any of our ideas before we get the chance to put them up we will find you and feed you to Beth's dogs, like we did Toby. Ooops noones supposed to know that!! Just pretend you didn't see that! (Sorry you had to find out this way Lance!)*Ok we are dead serious about this, we really need all the stuff we can get so don't take em!! We will get every site owner we know to send you hatemail, and we know quite a few!!

ThOsE kOoL kAtS ~ nSyNc

OuR cRuNk SeNsE oF hUmOr AkA The Dark Side

On ThE sErIoUs SiDe

StUfF tHaT hAd No HoMe

OuR oThEr BoY tOyS

MeEt ThE mAsTeRmInDs

The Wonderful World Of Links

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