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Why we could never be Justin's girlfriends

Awww, it's ok Justin, we'll still love you from afar!! *cough choke, snicker*

The top five resons we can't be Justin's girlfrinds are:

5. Britney Spears would get jealous, and try to knock us out with her fake boobs.

4. We can't sleep if there are any lights on, so Justin's glow in the dark hair would be kind of a problem.

3. It would be like dating Jar Jar Binx from Star Wars. *In other words we don't speak ebonics, and a translator would get kinda annoying*

2. There wouldn't be enough room for us, him AND his ego in the same room. *Probably even in the same building*

And the number one reason we couldn't be Justin's girlfriends is:

1. He would find out that we really didn't like his "fly Benz", and he would run, crying to mommy. His mom would hate us and then we couldn't be in Innosense. Oh the horror!!!

Now onto Chris...