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Why we could never be JC's girlfriends

Oh my gosh it's a beret! We just adore berets!!

The top five resons we can't be JC's girlfrinds are:

5. Every time we tried to kiss him, that huge nose would get in the way.

4. It's hard to date a guy when you're living in the 90's and he's still trapped in the 50's. Right all you kool kats?

3. Well let's just say JC likes to talk with his hands. We're afraid that one day he'll get really excited and take us out with those hand gestures of his.

2. We like to party, we like, we like to party. We don't sleep all that much. JC does. Nuff said.

and the number one reason we couldn't be JC's girlfriends is:

1. We don't like berets. With all the gel JC puts in his hair, one day one of those berets is bound to get stuck,and that would be bad. Very bad.

You still haven't convinced me!