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Why we could never be Chris' girlfriends

He looks so sexy here, we feel like taking back every word we ever said about him. Ok the moment has passed.

The top five resons we can't be Chris' girlfrinds are:

5. Compared ot all of us, he really is the size of a smurf

4. Putting up with Beth's hyperactive personality is bad enough, we don't need another one.

3. we'd always be second in his heart to his one true love, Busta

2.There's just something about a guy who can sing higher than we can, it's a real turnoff.

and the number on reason we couldn't be Chris' girlfriends is:

1. If we tried to *ahem* do anything, he might throw his back out,and it would be all our faults. We really don't want thousands of teeny boppers hating us because of Chris.

Like we need any reasons for Joey!