Adventures? Did Someone Say ADVENTURES?

That's me in that photo, at Joshua Tree National Park in the great California desert, doing one of my favorite things--NOT falling!

This is a group of friends and myself at the summit of Mt. Whitney, CA, the highest point in the continental US (14,496 feet above sea level).

From left to right: Evelyn, Yours Truly, Carrie, Greg, and Arturo.

Here we are about to embark on a journey to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. From left to right: Arturo, Herman, Angel, and Me.

There I am at the bottom of the Grand Canyon with the Colorado River rushing past me in the background. Do I look content or what?

That's yours truly in a burned out and quite rickety hollow tree (for some unknown reason) at Mount Laguna, San Diego County, CA.

There I am again...clinging for dear life to a wall of granite.

I was stuck there for about 20 minutes too stubborn to go back down but unable to climb any higher.

I recall thinking to myself: "Now tell me again why it is that I don't choose to use ropes for this stuff!"

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