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Thanksgiving Thoughts
And Prayers
As we gather family and friends to share a day Thanksgiving; remember to count your blessings, remember to let those you love know how much you care for them and what a blessing they are to your life. Share the hugs, the pats on the back, hearty handshakes, make a mental memory of the time going past, we are hear for a fleeting moment in time; it is always the right time to say; I love you, always the right time to say; thank you, always the right time to say I'm sorry, always the right time to show kindness, always the right time for a prayer of Thanksgiving.  By - Ivy
T is for giving thanks.
H is for the happiness we thank God for.
A is for crisp, colorful, Autumn days.
N is for remembering the first Native Americans.
K is for kindness we should all share.
S is for sharing of our blessings.
G is for giving of ourselves.
I is for independence that we are truly thankful for.
V is for visitors we welcome in our homes.
I is for inviting people to dine with us.
N is for remembering our neighbors.
G is for God, to whom we pray and give our thanks.
By - Ivy

We give thanks to thee for these thy earthly gifts.
As our bodies are strengthened and refreshed,
so may we be made strong in our souls to glorify
thee in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Be present at our table, Lord;
be here, and everywhere adored;
Thy mercies bless and grant that we
may feast in fellowship with Thee. Amen.

Our heavenly Father
For all Thy help along the way,
we're thankful this Thanksgiving Day.
We're thankful, too, for all our dear ones,
for all the far away and near ones.

Although we may be far apart,
we're together in my heart.
Keep us in Thy loving care,
this is my Thanksgiving prayer. Amen

Bless this food to our use,
and our lives to Thy service,
making us ever mindful of
the needs of others. Amen

Click on Page name of your choice to view
Thanksgiving Day (front page)
Happy Thanksgiving
The Pilgrims' and Americas' First Thanksgiving
The Celebrations of Giving Thanks
Scared Turkey
The Story of the Turkey
We Gather Together
Bible Verses
Thanksgiving Poetry
Grandpa Tuckers' Poetry