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Wedding Reception Of
Thomas Henry Cloud and Laura Amick

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For information contact: Janie Edwards

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This is a picture of the wedding reception of Thomas Henry Cloud and Laura Amick. Taken June 12, 1902 at Willow Ranch, Modoc, CA

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Back row left to right - 1. Anna Goodman - 2. Albert Berry - 3. Alta Spray - 4. ? - 5. Fred Bush - 6. Delbert Cloud - 7. George Cloud - 8. ? - 9. Ed Mulkey - 10. Clinton Henderson - 11. Pearl Mulkey

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Second row from back - 12. Emma Goodman - 13. ? - 14. Pearl Hartzog - 15. Mrs. Todd Bonner - 16. Todd Bonner - 17. Belva Mulkey - 18. Frances Mulkey - 19. Minnie Mulkey Fleming - 20. Delpha Mulkey - 21. Oliver Berry

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Third Row from back - 22. Tom Mulkey - 23. Benjamin Cloud - 24. Tom Henderson - 25. Myra B. Cloud Robnett - 26. Odessa Amick Gibbons - 27. George Davis - 28. Tom Cloud 29. Laura Amick Cloud - 30. Rolla Goodman - 31. Eva Amick - 32. Alvin Amick - 33. Mrs. Laura Mulkey Amick - 34. Mrs. Morrison - 35. Martha Cloud Goodman Henderson

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Fourth row from back - 36. Maggie DeGuire Cloud - 37. Minnie Reed - 38. John Reed - 39. Mrs Reed - 40. Mrs. Ed Mulkey - 41. Emeline Parton Cloud - 42. Uncle Billy Cloud (William Morgan) - 43. Cora D. Berry - 44. "Doc" Berry - 45. Bessie Berry - 46. Bessie Henderson(age 10)

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Front Row - 47. ? - 48. Gladys Mulkey - 49. Hayden Henderson - 50. Franklin Cloud - 51. Eddie Mulkey - 52. Curt Mulkey - 53. Grover Mulkey - 54. A. Berry - 55. George Henderson (my grandfather) - 56. Cuba Amick - 57. ? - 58. Bertha Henderson