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Tara's Achievements

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Amateur Record

Turns Professional
1st Place-Winter Olympics
2nd Place-National Championship
1st Place-Champion Series Final

1st Place-World Championship
1st Place-National Championship
1st Place-Champions Series Final
1st Place-Hershey's Team Challenge
2nd Place-Skate America
2nd Place-Trophee Lalique

3rd Place-National Championship
15th Place-World Championship
5th Place-World Championship (Juniors)
2nd Place-World Junior Selections Competition
1st Place-South Atlantic Junior Competition
3rd Place-Trophee Lalique
2nd Place-Nations Cup
2nd Place-Skate Canada

4th Place-World Junior Championship
2nd Place-National Juniors
4th Place-Nebelhorn Trophy

1st Place-U.S. Olympic Festival
2nd Place-National Novice Competition
1st Place-Southwestern Novice Competition
1st Place-Midwestern Novice Competition
1st Place-Blue Swords