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Other Tara Lipinski Sites

Here are some other equally good Tara sites. Check them out!

Tara Lipinski's OFFICIAL siteThis is Tara's Official site. It includes a journal, which she frequently updates, photographs, audio/video clips, and much, much more!

Charisma's Skating Page

Tara Lipinski: The Power of A Dream


Tara Lipinski-The Golden Girl

Ashley's Tara Lipinski Site

Ice Princess

Absolute Tara-by Joe Daniels

The Tara Lipinski Shrine

America's Sweethearts: A Tribute to Tara Lipinski and Dominique Moceanu

The Tara Lipinski Experience - the premiere celebrity website

Got a site you think should be listed here? Let Me know and I'll check it out!

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