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My Trip To See Tara

On January 10, 1999 I got to see Tara skate live for the first time. "Stars On Ice", in San Jose, California. It was great! I was with my Mom, my Uncle Phil and Aunt Mary(what a coincidence!), and their two daughters, Bertha and Cindy. We arrove at San Jose Arena around 3:15, when we took this picture. We went inside, when we found out that throwing gifts onto the ice is not allowed. So, they took our presents to Tara, I brought her a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a letter, and we had two bags filled with stuffed animals. As you can see in the picture, Bertha and I made a sign to hold up with this website address, and a message. We bought some programs, pictures, and snacks, and sat down a couple of minutes before it started. Steve Cousins, is out first with a funny little routine, then all the skaters skate out to music, except Ilia Kulik and Tara. After all of them get introduced, Ilia skates out to a spotlight and everyone cheers. Then they're done. All of the sudden he says, "Arne't we forgetting someone?" and Scott Hamilton said "Who?" The whole crowd yelled "TARA!", and out she comes with her hair in pigtails, and we all went wild. Tara starts her first routine then. It was really cool. She later skated to "Jump, Jive, an' Wail", "Second Element" and "I Could Have Danced All Night", besides the famous clown routine and some routines with the other skaters. That was so funny. All the other skaters did good too, Scott Hamilton earned the night's only standing ovation, and Ilia sort of tap dance on the ice. I'm not going to ruin it for all of you, who still plan on going to see it, but it is definitely a great performance. We're already making plans to get floor seats if Tara's still in "Stars On Ice" next year. That night was a memorable one, and I can't wait to do it again!!!

Here's a couple of pictures, I'll have a lot more after the second roll is developed.

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