Editor's Note (by Callalily): When I asked on Loop if someone would please say something nice about Javier Vachon, or more preferably about Ben Bass, Apache ( bless her until the end of time ) responded with the following:

~ * ~ One Hundred Answers To A Single Question ~ * ~

    Part 1 -- Ben Bass
  1. Best eyelashes God ever made
  2. straightest nose ever, same author
  3. mouth that defies human description but produces severe tactile yearnings
  4. straight (hey, we're female here, at least we can dream...)
  5. had the guts to go study on another continent, twice
  6. dry-humped a mike-stand in public at age 19
  7. says "No" better than anyone, ever
  8. plays silence beautifully
  9. body moves like a wet noodle
  10. also good at holding still and simply blinking
  11. takes his craft seriously, even at risk of pissing people off
  12. did volunteer work teaching music to refugee kids in Croatia
  13. opens doors for ladies
  14. takes public transportation
  15. truly likes the other members of his family, close with his Dad
  16. clearly knows how to let a girl know he appreciates her, as you would know better than anyone
  17. put his head in a woman's lap in public -- too damn cool for words
  18. loves music
  19. has acoustic as well as electric guitar
  20. speaks French
  21. loves Barcelona -- a very cool city!
  22. looks good with yellow eyes
  23. looks good with yellow eyes AND fangs
  24. picks his projects on basis of whether director is someone he respects and wants to work with
  25. sly smile
  26. smug smile
  27. wicked grin
  28. dimple that is only visible when #27 is in evidence
  29. disciplined himself to study boxing for seven months to play a part he knew would only last a couple weeks
  30. played Romeo with his shirt unbuttoned (g)
  31. played Vachon with no shirt at all (and what a screamin' fine ride it was!)
  32. interested in physics
  33. favorite movie is the extremely good "Les Enfants du Paradis" -- or alternatively, cleverly came up with name of Very Deep Movie when asked pesky question by fan club (g)
  34. able to discuss European history intelligently
  35. reads incessantly (except perhaps when putting head in girlfriend's lap)
  36. showed up for fellow castmember's play
  37. had good sense to leave when performance turned into total sillyfest
  38. dream role is a man who both kills and dies for love (Othello)
  39. dislikes Christian, the shallow weasel who pirates Cyrano's great words
  40. looks good in gold lame suit
  41. apparently also looks good in drag, according to Vancouver Sun
  42. isn't fussy about clothing
  43. apparently not vain, either: wears glasses, not contacts, off camera
  44. deep dark eyes that deserve contacts
  45. likes Bach
  46. not interested in being famous
  47. interested in directing as a way actors are taught
  48. staggeringly sexy black hair, wet or dry, and not just on his head
  49. wonderful voice, too ... and can sing
  50. isn't running around saying shitty things about FK, despite what others are apparently saying about him. And he *was* treated badly -- as was pretty much everyone, this year, at one time or another.

    Part 2 -- Javier Vachon
  51. has looked good with no effort for nearly 500 years
  52. wanted Urs to be happy
  53. stuck by Screed to the bitter end
  54. great sense of humor
  55. practices random acts of kindness (Divia in the alley)
  56. opposed to rip off of native Americans
  57. lives in the choirloft of a desanctified church
  58. apparently thinks catafalque is interesting decor
  59. looks great in candle light
  60. tries to help Tracy
  61. stuck around to keep eye on Tracy against better judgment
  62. never tells Screed he needs to clean house
  63. never tells Urs she dresses too young for her age (g)
  64. plays guitar even when all alone
  65. never really got around to finishing off the Inca
  66. has irresistible impulse to touch something every time he looks at Tracy
  67. remembered not to blow Nick's cover
  68. likes being a vampire
  69. still loves his Mum, 470 years after her death (g)
  70. gets off on the roar of those big Pratt & Whitney jet engines
  71. rides a Triumph -- *much* cooler than a Harley
  72. to die for in black. And that's probably what would happen
  73. not afraid to admit he doesn't know something
  74. not the kinkiest vamp on the block (doesn't traffic in stolen body parts)
  75. willing to lie to protect Urs
  76. has showed up to protect Tracy even when Tracy didn't know about it
  77. asked Tracy to stake him to avoid going out on a killing spree
  78. likes to fight on the losing side
  79. not a Material Boy. Might have another pair of jeans, maybe
  80. Humphrey Bogart fan
  81. keeps up with hip slang
  82. speaks French
  83. helps damsels in distress, at least sometimes
  84. puts damsels into distress at other times, in the sexiest possible way
  85. looks good with hay in his hair
  86. fastidious: always wipes his lips after a meal
  87. fought bravely to defend his life, armed only with a silly spear
  88. had sense of adventure as a mortal: went to Peru in only the second expedition, even though only 14 guys survived the first one
  89. looked hot in those tights, didn't he?
  90. took a big risk to help a friend by flying out in the daylight to Nick's place to ask for Natalie's aid
  91. has a joke for every situation
  92. enjoys being alive so much he doesn't really understand anyone who doesn't
  93. apologized anyway
  94. well, actually, he's dead, and he's cool with that
  95. tried to help Tracy handle grief about him dying of the fever
  96. joked with Nick when he was minutes from dying -- two former altar boys a long way from the old parish...
  97. likes to reminisce with the guys about the good old days ... and the good old babes ... but is cool with them being gone
  98. insatiably curious about details of mortal life
  99. can't resist stroking Tracy's face with world's most beautiful hands
  100. seconds after Tracy calls him evil, asked for a favor, he says, "anything"

  101. Because he can....


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