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An Introduction to the Foundation

by James H. Lui (c) 1992

The Scientific Research Foundation - on the outside, just
another of America's great corporations with resounding status
and acclaim by the business community, right up alongside of the
other giants - IBM, Exxon, General Dynamics, and Procter &
Gamble; on the inside, a dramatic difference is apparent. The
Foundation is based upon an entirely unique concept of management
where "worker satisfaction" is paramount.

As a financial entity, the Foundation is constantly growing and
expanding at an incredible rate (over US$100 million net per year)
while maintaining a legally non-profit status. These are the
conditions of a company which owns over 90% of the Fortune 500
corporations. All of this comes with the full amnesty of the
entitled companies and the U.S. government. A constant flow of
applications from companies desiring subsidization by the
Foundation are processed; the Foundation specializes in corporate
efficiency reform. None of the practices used by the Foundation
have ever been used by any other company and most likely never
will be used in the foreseeable future by any others in light of
this huge power base.

So, the situation stands as this - a company with almost
monopolistic power holds such power with full acceptance and
support by the government, the competition and all of the
subsidized entities. This is the absolute quintessence of the
supreme corporate organization, perfection of the business ethic,
and almost surrealistic power combined into one organization: the
Scientific Research Foundation.

The Foundation has a rather interesting relationship with the
U.S. government. Not only is the Foundation a non-taxable
corporation, but the general idea is that the Foundation is not
subject to any governmental controls of any kind. This stems
from a unique status granted to the Foundation by Congress in
2004: independent sovereignty. The Foundation in this sense is
almost a separate country within a country. The conditions
pertinent to declaration and acceptance of such a status were as

(1) The Foundation shall not pay any direct taxes to the U.S.
government. State tariffs may be levied and from them Federal
fees subtracted, but no direct taxes may exist.

(2) As a result of the prior condition, the Foundation shall
not have access to nor pay required subsidies to any federal
human welfare program designed for the benefit of federal
taxpayers. This will include unemployment compensation, Social
Security, federally funded health insurance, and all other
federally supported programs for social welfare. Until employed
by a non- Foundation employer, discharged Foundation employees
shall also be bound by the above restrictions.

(3) The Foundation and its land shall not be subject to
protection by federally supported defense programs or armed
forces. In conjunction, Foundation land shall not be subject to
possession nor occupation by the U.S. government at any time. As
such, the Foundation shall provide some form of adequate defense
program to prohibit an aggressor from using Foundation- protected
property for the purposes of claiming or occupying U.S.
territory. Equally, the Foundation agrees to act in the interest
of the U.S. when declaring its position, neutral or supportive,
in time of war.

(4) The Foundation reserves the right to contribute freely to
other non-profit status institutions without restriction or
additional tariffs. Contributions to taxpaying institutions
shall be subject to any tariffs as prescribed by the U.S.
government to be paid by the receiver of the contribution.

As viewed by the external business community, the division of
power within the Foundation is typical of most corporations and
follows simple "line and staff" organizational plans. There are
officers, directors, managers, and employees just as in every
other corporation.

In application, most designated positions are only titular for
PR support with the actual division of power being based upon a
"trapezoidal" structure. This structure is not autocratic,
though it may seem to be, with the actual decision-making process
being more omnicratic through everyone than anything else.

The primary organizational nodes are the office of the
president and the members of the Board of Division Directors.
Each functional center of the Foundation which has a separate
identifiable R&D program is assigned a Division Director for
representation on the Board. Control positions at-large in
external subsidiaries are staffed by the Conglomerate division
which is involved with the management of the companies under the
ownership or stock control of the Foundation. Production,
facilities management, and materials procurement are under
control of the Corporate division staff. The president and other
board officers are in possession of bilateral control of both
Corporate and Conglomerate divisions. Support members of the
Foundation are given formal recognition by the Board any time
that a subject under consideration effects their "office" or
particular area of expertise. The initiation of a new R&D
program can come from any of the offices. For the arrangement of
financial support, the program must be evaluated by the Board,
which controls R&D priority levels for funding and research time

Since the majority of project funding is provided through the
investment holdings in the subsidiaries, the generation of
project funding is under the direction of the Conglomerate
division. This division also acts as representative of the
Foundation when involved with contractual R&D projects initiated
by external interests.

Regarding final consideration of a project, the decision to
proceed is made by a board consisting of the president, the
Division chief, and all members involved with the project. This
divisionary board or D-Board controls project-specific decisions
such as materials allocation, procedure and policy, and PR
regarding the project.

The Foundation is a private corporation with no external stock
offerings or bonding. Net profit each fiscal period is reduced
to $0 by infusion of all revenues either back into project R&D
funds or the Foundation membership which includes the various
subsidiary corporations under Foundation control. This ensures
the non-profit status of the Foundation.

Control of a corporation by the Foundation does not mean
taking over the operations of the subsidized company nor even
occupation by Foundation staff. Actually, since most of the
reason for controlling stock investing is for leverage, many
Foundation subsidiaries never feel the control of the Foundation
in day-to-day operations. Having the greatest managers at its
disposal, the Foundation often finds itself saving corporations
from managerial suicide and internal corruption. The Foundation
monitors subsidiary production efficiency indirectly by observing
the consumer response to the company's operations. We "go in"
only as necessary to bring the company back to an appropriate
level of operational efficiency.

Leverage financing is a powerful tool used by the Foundation
to create resources of economic power without actually possessing
such funds which would be subject to taxation or regulation.
Thus, the majority of fiduciary transactions are "sponsored" by a
granting financial institution and merely authorized by the
Foundation. This action eliminates the possibility of charges of
concentration of economic power being let upon the Foundation.

At the heart of this great enterprise (!), is a group of five
hundred super-talented people who have lived their lives in
pursuit of the Foundation principles of invention through
efficiency and efficacy. Selection for membership is primarily
accomplished through nominations by the current or alumni staff.
A person becomes recommended for membership by outstanding
achievement in many fields of activity. Awards and grants are
well noticed, but even simple societal contributions are taken
into consideration. Our primary factor in rating a prospective
candidate is the level of pragmatism in the individual's research
methods and ethics. Has the person contributed to society
and/or the success of others, or has the person been completely
bound by selfish reward? We prefer the former.

The actual selection process often follows world-wide search
programs for talented individuals by the Foundation Personnel
Search Unit. Government databases, educational histories,
employment records, and even neighborhood door-to-door polls are
employed in the massive search for prospective candidates to fill
new project positions. The only thing that will stop a search is
the death of an individual; there is nowhere in the world that a
person can go undetected from a Foundation search process. If
you ever existed, we will find you when we need you.

Evaluation of the prospective member is conducted through
interview by each member of the Board and staff of the division
of assignment. Acceptance by all current members must be
achieved in order to maintain an environment of mutual respect
and interreliance. The ideal member will exhibit very diplomatic
and retrospective insight into dealing with his/her peers.
Since the Foundation management system relies a great deal upon
independent decision-making, much emphasis is placed upon the
level of self-reliance and assertiveness of the individual.
Essential to the success of a Foundation member is a firm belief
in the learning process and the underlying philosophy of the
Foundation: make an attempt to understand the processes of the
environment around you in every dimension in every way. The
ability to multi-task and process a wide variety of different
activities simultaneously is probably even more important than
functional diversity. I find that even Albert Einstein might not
have lived up to the standards of pragmatism that bear upon a
Foundation candidate. Maybe Thomas Alva Edison would have made
it in, after additional education of course.

Foundation members often have many titles of position (e.g.
the Director of Medical Research and Internal Medicine is also:
Chief Surgeon, Vice-president of the Medical Division, and
Commander of the Triage Unit). But the multitudes of address
forms do not mean higher levels of internal authority, just more
position names for external representation.

To sum up, candidacy is through proficiency in everything and
prejudice to nothing. A Foundation member must be ready to
accept the impossible as being possible and the unattainable as
easily obtained. The member must be scientist, manager,
administrator, and student whenever needed. Even after
acceptance, the Foundation member must continue to progress far
beyond the limits of mere scientific study to the essence of
philosophy - love of knowledge. Given the common abilities and
goals of the membership, there exists strong and intimate social
and fraternal bonds between members. The Foundation "thinks" in
a unionized power beam, with multitudes of expert components,
cohesive in existence and interlinked in direction. A great
"mind" of multiple specialized parts.

In their quest for understanding, Foundation members are
satiated through both external contracts and internal projects.
Freedom of individual expression is encouraged, but in such
expression no one shall violate the Foundation directive of
non-interference regarding social, economic, and political
systems, even if in need of reform.

People of varied interests and specializations need
recreation, and the Foundation supplies the membership with
global entertainment facilities for every mode of relaxation. A
member also gets to choose two vehicles free of charge for
transportation, one for fun, the other for utility. These may be
replaced as needed as long as the two vehicles per member limit
is not exceeded. Members also get a free house from the
Foundation's vast real estate properties. The Foundation even
has an independent credit system recognized by all nations, for
every member. This supplants the $150,000 tax-free annual salary
program, and the Foundation-supplied housing, transportation,
land, goods, and services already available to any member (see
Foundation Benefit Plan Overview). Thus, the no-limit Foundation
credit cards are simply for anything else the Foundation doesn't
already provide.

The whole idea of all of this super-compensation is to provide
the member with an environment containing all material needs so
that 100% concentration can be used on project development
without worrying about "meal-tickets." We can't provide all
emotional resources that a human requires, so we try to at least
create an atmosphere of trust that can foster good relationships
and social interaction. Most members will have a background in
psychology or behavioral science, and so can serve as their own
best counselors.

In the process of scientific achievement there are vast
opportunities to create tools to aid the researcher/inventor in
the task of developing new technology. The Foundation succeeds
where others failed by not being barred by lack of technology,
but by simply inventing new methods or "laws of science" whenever
necessary to meet project goals. If current resources do not
permit development of something designated as a project, then we
simply make new resources to use in the process and forget what
limitations were placed in our way by other scientists.

The Foundation MPM (MultiProcess - Molecular) computer line
is a superb example of creative invention at work in the
Foundation. The MPM series was developed for applications
requiring more computational power than the greatest of modern
supercomputers could then muster. These are fluidic molecular
computers; the storage is analog instead of digital allowing the
fullest implementation of molecular memory technology.
Information is stored and processed as "concepts," not merely
numbers so that entire waveforms and other analog inputs can be
processed without digital conversion. For example, U.S. Census
data is stored not as number tables, but as varying voltages
indexed under other electrical signals representing geographical
locations. Concept- oriented processing mimics the way the
human brain stores and retrieves information.

The MPM uses variable amplitude, frequency, and voltage levels
to represent different items of information. Each member of the
MPM line uses parallel synaptic processing as the key to its
inherent speed advantage. The analog transmissions are networked
into a three dimensional access array for plasma storage. The
processing network is chemical based using a charged fluid for
electron transmitter conductance. The MPM processor requires
over 1 megawatt of power, but when you have unlimited power
supplies, as discussed below, that isn't a limitation.

The system uses a proprietary operating system called AIME
(Advanced Intelligent Monitor - Expert). AIME is a derivation of
contemporary "expert systems" except that its primary function is
not to "learn" how to do things, but to "evaluate" them. AIME
can use archived events and past factual relations to solve
complex qualitative problems and monitor controlled systems with
a measure of intelligence that easily surpasses the simple logic
stacks of conventional artificial intelligence systems. AIME
also continuously updates and evaluates archived nodes for
obsolescence; this provides a memory management function
deterring the redundant storage of related information. Parallel
constructs are concatenated into single nodes.

The Foundation Headquarters and its satellite offices are
networked through a model known as the M-1000. This machine has
the equivalent of 50 teranodes (a node being a single concept) of
memory and the multiprocessing unit processes at a speed of over
15 trillion operations per second (an operation is any transfer
of information). Under development is the next generation M-2000
computer - a multi-processor version of its predecessor for use
in the another Foundation internal project, the Excaliba, which
requires even more computational power on the scale of 5000
teranodes and speed exceeding 450 quintillops. Other variants of
the MPM computer line include dedicated machines such as the
M-100 used in the MET program and the public-support M-50
designated as unrestricted for commercial sale. The baby M-50
cruises at 1.5 billops and has a resident memory cell of 50
meganodes. It is designed as a co-processor to more conventional
mass-storage supercomputers.

Ion-based power generation (IPG) is an invented technology
which has been implemented in almost all of the Foundation
projects succeeding its introduction. IPG is a non-degenerative
technology in that the energy it requires is less than the energy
that it produces, so that IPG fueled equipment essentially fuels
itself once started. A kind of perpetual energy system so to
speak. A cyclical non-refractive ion stream is encompassed
within an electromagnetically suspended closed loop conductor
path. By directing polarized vectored ions into the loop, a
stream of ionic plasma is created, which can be inductively
tapped to excite other electrons into motion, producing power. A
large introductory voltage is needed to establish the motion of
the ionic stream, but is not required to maintain it.

The most interesting and useful application of IPG has been in
the area of transportation technology. The Multi-Environment
Transport (MET) program has been the most successful, Earth-based
that is, of the IPG successor developments. An MET can shuttle
up to five people through high-pressure fluids and vacuums with
equal ease, at speeds exceeding Mach 20. They contain all
atmospheric support equipment needed to maintain a comfortable
environment for human passengers. There is a micro-sized M-100
installed on- board for applications varying from cartography to
defensive weapons control. An MET can be specified as one of the
two vehicles allotted per person, pending ratification by the

Another byproduct of IPG technology is the defensive
nucleostatic power field which surrounds the Foundation's Central
. It can repel all forms of electro-magnetic
radiation using bipolar ion generation to neutralize the incoming
nuclei. The next development in this area is to establish
directionally focused control of the field and then to apply its
repellent qualities to solid matter.

Neodynum lasers are based upon a synthetic crystal which can
generate higher frequency energy than conventional ruby or
silicon and prestages the beam prior to emission through a
mixture of argon, krypton, and a proprietary synthetic gas. The
final emitter can be converged upon itself for regenerative power
amplification. Multiple beams can also be combined to provide a
greater area of impact. Aside from the obvious defense
applications (which are implemented in various forms), the
neodynum laser also facilitates industrial construction by
conveniently vaporizing ferrous and non-ferrous minerals and

There are millions of other equally intriguing (but lengthy in
description) others like krysotyping and Excaliba (discussed in
the Excaliba Overview), but all have been designed by people who
are unmiffed by "state-of-the-art" limitations and develop
whatever is necessary to get the task completed. This includes
inventing completely new technology and procedures which break
the laws of contemporary science (which is the reason that
krysotyping came to be).

All of these particular developments involved a heavy time
investment on our part. But, a "heavy" investment for the
Foundation is any time greater than two weeks. The application
of super efficient R&D techniques has permitted the development
of many great solutions to time-worn problems, often in two or
three days after beginning project analysis. This system of fast
problem-solving places the Foundation far ahead of the other R&D
institutes which exist because of the perpetuation of problems.
When we created krysotyping in response to requests for cancer
cures, we put over 70 cancer research centers out of business.
Much of this productive success is due to our independence from
direct research funding and grant programs. We can afford to
provide solutions, although our "competition" (Rand, Bell Labs,
Delphi virtually hates our guts for solving their
insurmountable problems so quickly and easily. That's fine,
because we own stock in them too.

This is but a small part of what the Foundation is about; the
real substance of this corporation is the people and minds behind
it. Creative minds and hands meeting the challenges that society
brings and taking technology farther beyond the present each
passing second. 2005 A.D. is the year marking the beginning of
the Foundation (the fortieth year of life for the president).
From that day forward, Earth will have a new shining symbol of
excellence to behold and to reap the harvest of a better life for

2006 Addendum:

While all fine and decent to place all of this in writing over 25 years
ago, because of the twists and turns of my own life's course I became
increasingly despondent that any of this could be made into reality. Everyone
else has made their efforts towards realization as planned, but I felt I could
become the weakest link in the chain.

Then, on December 28, 2005 I connected with a new organization - one which
approaches all of these goals from an entirely different perspective but in a way
that ultimately reinforces each of the universal goals - advancement of the human
potential for growth and progress, and establishment of a stable and compassionate 
co-existence for all forms of life wherever it lies. 

You may have noticed the second set of icons at the top of the primary homepage.
The 8-pointed star or octagram has been my own discovery over 25 years ago, 
stemming originally from a twilight vision, and later being attributed to the central 
figure symbolizing the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect. Of no certain coincidence,
it also appears symbolized as the Dharma Wheel of Buddhism.  The Dharma
Wheels which appear at the top include a centerpiece representing a Lotus Flower.
This is the icon or Rinbo of Shinnyo-En Esoteric Buddhism.

The much more powerful part that again has no certain coincidence is what has been
created through the Shinnyo-En Educational Foundation.

The path ahead is not a certain course, but the destination is certainly complete.

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