Submissive Dreams
In dawn's wakening smile,in bright new promises of morning,I have seen your eyes...In music of mid-day,in sweet soaring vibrancy of earthsongs,I have heard your voice...In evening's warm caress,in sheltering closeness of sunset,I have felt your touch...All things beautiful in my world,have breathed the magic,the mystery, the miracle of you....I have loved you this day.
Please hang onto whatever it is that helps you bewho you are and how you areand still lets you seewho I am and where I amWhether or not it'sthat old time religion,it's plenty good enough for me.
So much of life we all pass byWith heedless ear, and careless eye.Bent with our cares we plod along,Blind to the beauty, deaf to the song.But moments there are when we pause to restAnd turn our eyes from the goal's far crest.We become aware of the wayside flowers,And sense God's hand in this world of ours.We hear a refrain, see a rainbow's end,Or we look into the heart of a friend.We feel at one with mankind. We shareHis griefs and glories, joy and care.The sun flecks gold throught the sheltering trees,And we shoulder our burdens with twice the ease.Preace and content and a world that singsThe moment of true awareness brings.
Let me show youa different sort of magicfristwe lower the lightsalmost to darknessthenwe spin this ancient discclose our eyesand half-listento the small Italianwith the large voicesing of lost loveswhile I hold you in my armslike soand we slideback and forthround and roundslowlyslowlyuntil the timethe room, the musicand the dancehave disappeared-and only we remain.
Trust is given as time moves forward, as the gift of my submission.
Kaayy's links
Email: --kay--@excite.com