Where is our privacy?

Recently something has concerned me very much. I don't know about you guys, but this year so far our house has received calls from probably over 20 organizations identifying themselves as the police department or the fire department asking for money for whatever purpose. I just got a call today which I thought was outrageous which prompted me to put up this page. Some guy called me saying that the police department was holding some sort of olympics where the police would compete in shooting contests, and whatever physical competition. And he asked for money to support it. I could not believe what I was hearing, some guy wants me to give him money so cops can go practice shooting targets. Whats even more shocking is that this guy knew my address. He also claims that my phone number is private... yet he just called me, saying that "a machine shoots out random numbers". Whats even more astonishing is that most of all these calls ask for my mother, whose English is not very good. She used to just give money to pretty much any organization who called because she didn't really know what they were saying anyway. Now it's getting ridiculous. I don't mind the fact that these people are looking for money. I mind the fact that these mysterious organizations some how all get my phone number and address and that they all ask for my mom. This particular person on the phone today says he works for a company called Civil Development or something like that. Where do they get our number and address? What do they do with it? If you guys have any answers or stories that relate to this, please email me at kerwinguy@yahoo.com and I'll post it here if you want me to. Please title your email "privacy" and let me know if you want your name posted along with your message. Ideally, I would like to post your name and the city you live in along with your message.

Message 1: Posted by Kevin Hsieh, July 23, 2000

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