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North Carolina Restaurants

Having just got back from a trip to North Carolina, I have fresh in my mind a couple of restaurant suggestions for anyone going to the Chapel Hill area (University of North Carolina). When I was there, I never really made it into Durham or Raliegh, but Chapel Hill is close by and these places are worth the trip.

Top of the Hill, 100 E Franklin St in Chapel Hill
Check out their website
This rather upscale brew-pub is up a flight of stairs. The only beer I tried there was the stout, but it was quite good. They offer a good assortment of beers, I just stuck with the stout. Food-wise, I can highly reccommend the BBQ short ribs. This is more like a really good pot roast with a mild BBQ sauce. The meat just falls apart like a pot roast. Another excellent dish is the steak in a bourbon and pepper sauce. This has a stronger flavor than the short ribs and is an unusual, but delicious, mix of flavors. Price is a bit high--I think three of us spent about $75, which isn't too bad for a good meal and good beer.

Crook's Corner, 610 W Franklin St in Chapel Hill
Check out their website
Can't miss the place since it has a brightly lit pig perched on the roof. Sit outside if there's room, it's more pleasant. The specialty is shrimp on grits, but I didn't try this. Two very good items are the Carolina Plate and BBQ Plate. The latter mainly consists of a huge portion of pulled pork which you can cover with ample quantities of good North Carolina BBQ sauce. A wonderful meat eater's dish. It also comes with great cornbread with a peppery flavor--a little unusual but very tasty. This place has a good selection of bottled beers, but, as one might expect, the ports are terrible (what posessed me to try a port at a BBQ place in North Carolina???) Reasonable prices, but not cheap.

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