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Dance of Death

I dream I am in a world of clear liquid and no color. There is a sky above the liquid, a gray and empty sky. In the liquid, there are people. People dancing wildly about in the gel-like, weightless pool. People wearing black and white, sharply drawn and contrasted. Thee people are skeletally thin, their bones showing beneath their pale skin. As they dance, they grow thinner yet, and cannot stop. When they are nothing but taut skin stretched over hollow bone, they open their horrible mouths to plead for mercy. There is none to be had. They dance and dance until they dwindle to nothing. The cycle never ends. New people foolishly dive in, disregarding desperate attempts by those in the pool to change their minds. They laugh and tell them to share the fun. They grow wiser rapidly. By that time, it is too late. They are in an endless dance of death...they cannot escape. They are doomed even as they doom others.