MOP 1998
Rookie Contest
Problem 1 (Reid, David S.)
The Killer
Show that, for all nonnegative integers m and n,
lies between 0 and 1, inclusive. Hint: This is equal to
Problem 2 (Reid)
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral, and let O be the intersection of its diagonals. SupposeAB * OC = AC * OB = BC * OA
Prove BD >= 4BO.
Problem 3 (Sasha)
But there are no even primes!
Let S be the set of positive integers n such that every prime dividing n is 1 or 2 mod 4. Solve the system2a6 = c2 + d2
2b3 = c2 - d2for a, b, c, d in S.
Problem 4 (Sasha)
Let's play bughouse QBOB!
The game of QBOB is played as follows. A "bob" is a piece that is placed in the center of an n x n board, or as close to it is as possible. On alternating turns, one player moves the bob one square up, down, left, or right into an unoccupied square. The other player places a "q-stone" into an unoccupied square. The former player wins if the bob reaches the edge of the board. The latter wins if the bob is entirely surrounded by q-stones. Find all n such that both players have a forced win if they go first.
Problem 5 (Sasha)
Given a pentagon GREAT, with points M, O, and P inside such thatprove that AM * GE = GA * ME.
- GE and GA are trisectors of angle RGT
- M lies inside the quadrilateral REAT
- MO bisects angle GMT
- MP bisects angle GMR
- R, P, O, and T are collinear
- MPRE and MOTA are cyclic
- angle GRT = 3 * angle GAT
- angle GTR = 3 * angle GER
Problem 6 (Sasha)
An f-ing hard problem
Let S be the set of nonnegative integers. Find all functions f: S -> S such thatf (x2 + y2) = x f(x) + y f(y)
for all x, y in S.
Problem 7 (Yogesh)
This problem speaks for itself
Prove that Sn = 1 mod 3 if and only if there is a 2 in the base 3 representation of n + 1.
Problem 8 (Vekin)
A problem with practical applications
At the Math Olympiad Winter Program, there are mn students and mn team problems. On the day of the team contest, the evil instructor Narik will divide the students into m teams and give each team a disjoint set of n problems. Each student must present a different one of their team's problems. The students, on the night before the contest, each learn problems so that no matter what Nirak says, everyone will be able to present a problem. It so happens that no student solves more problems than Melody. What is the least number of problems that Melody could possibly know?
(David S.)
I always knew Lincoln was special!
We have n points plus 1 more special point called Lincoln. Let bn be the number of trees on these points such that only Lincoln has degree >= 3 (the n other points are distinguishable). Showbn < n!e2n1/2 + 1(1.00000001)
for sufficiently large n.
Problem 10 (Kevin)
What does abstruse mean?
Define the abstruse mean of two rationals (in lowest terms) to be the weighted arithmetic mean with each number weighted proportionally to its denominator. For any a0 and a1, define ai for i >= 2 as the abstruse mean of ai-1 and ai-2. Let f(x, y) be the limit of the sequence with a0 = x and a1 = y. Find the range of f.
Problem 11 (Gabriel)
Given an initial nonnegative integer s1, define the sequence {sn} by sn+1 = |sn - n|. Determine, as an explicit function of the positive integer k, the least s1 for which the sequence will eventually assume the form a, a + k, a + 1, a + k + 1, a + 2, a + k + 2, a + 3, ..., for some constant a, and prove that infinitely many such s1 exist for each k.
Problem 12 (Lawrence)
Try to draw the diagram
1. Prove that it is not possible to fill d-dimensional space with regular polyhedra that are not all hypercubes if d >= 9.2. Prove that it is possible if d = 3 or d = 4.
Problem 13 (Reid, David S., Sasha)
Back to 3D
Say that a point P is above a face F of a polyhedron iff the perpendicular from P to the plane containing F meets the plane inside or on the boundary of F. For a polyhedron Z, define f (Z) to be the maximum over all points P inside Z of the number of faces which P is above. For each n >= 4, find the minimum value of f over all convex polyhedra with n faces.
Problem 14 (Paul)
Don't you wish that said "number of factors"?
Are there any positive integers n such that n is one fifth the sum of its factors?
Problem 15 (Po)
Po's Mess #3
Solve the following inequality:a2b + a2 + ac2 + 115a + b2c + b2 + c2 + 27c + 176 < 6ab + 22ac + 14bc + 5b
for all ordered triples (a, b, c) of positive integral primes.
Problem 16 (Gabriel)
Going off on a tangent
For a triangle, ABC, let A1, B1, C1 be the points where the incircle is tangent to BC, AC, AB respectively, and let A2, B2, C2 be the points where the respective excircles are tangent to BC, AC, AB. Prove that the lines through A2, B2, C2 parallel to AA1, BB1, CC1 respectively are concurrent.
Problem 17 (Gabriel)
Try it
Given a row of n squares (n > 1), we can place stones in some squares so that no square contains more than one stone. We define the following operation:First, for each square containing a stone (other than the rightmost one), we add a stone to the square to its right. Then, if any square contains more than one stone, remove two stones from it and add a stone to the square on its right (if there is such a square). If another square contains more than one, do the same thing; continue this process until no square contains more than one stone.
Now, we start with an initial configuration C of stones and apply the operation repeatedly. After an odd number of iterations, C reappears. Prove that C contains at most one stone.
Problem 18 (Po)
Po's Football
Define a football to be a geometrical figure that is the intersection of two circular arcs each less than 20 degrees in measure, of equal radii.Let us define the endpoints of a football to be the intersection of the circles. Let the center of the football be the midpoint of the line between the endpoints of the football.
Now, let us say that we have a football F. Let its center be X, and its endpoints be B and C. Select a point A on F. Let A1 be the point on the arc of the football not containing A, such that angle BAX and angle BA1X are supplementary. Define A2 similarly: let A2 be the point on the arc of the football not containing A such that angle CAX and angle CA2X are supplementary. Extend A1X and A2X to meet F. Let the points of intersection be P1 and P2, respectively.
After you've got all that, prove that
AP1 * XP2 = AP2 * XP1
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