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Faery Spells and Rituals

A Faerie Love Spell!
Written by Mistress Inanna

Faeries love to give love a nudge. Who can deny that “when love is in the air”, things just feel better? And Faeries, being true energy beings, thrive when positive and loving energy is about. You can ask the Fae to play cupid for you on the basis that you NEVER attempt to attract a specific person. Faery Magick follows the well-known rede, “An’ it Harm none, do as thou wilt.” It may seem harmless to affect the fate of another, yet there are times when the negative results happen many years later. Try instead to make a list of attributes and characteristics you would like to see in a potential love interest. Don’t restrict yourself to physical characteristics, Faeries find it petty.
Now, choose a night when the moon is waxing, (approaching the full moon.) Setup a mini altar, outside if possible. On this altar, place the following: A small bowl of milk, a pink rosebud (dry or fresh), a needle, white thread, and the list you made earlier describing your ideal mate. If there is anything else you think is appropriate for your spell, by all means, include it!
Now meditate. This is SO important…relax, think of the most relaxing place in the world to you. For me, it is a mossy, green redwood forest. One at a time, pick up each item you are about to use in your spell…charge it with your want for love. Project what you view to be the best outcome to stem from your spell.
Next, light the pink candle. While doing so you may feel like reciting a poem or chanting a few lines that apply to your love spell. I feel it is very important that when you include chanting in a spell it be personal. Even if not written by you, as long as it means something to your heart. Truthfully, when I work Faerie Magick I choose to meditate, sing (many times songs I make up on the spot) or play some background music. (Hint: Faeries LOVE music! And to the Fae, a human that can sing or play an instrument, is a human worth doing favors for!) Whatever you do, project to the Fae. Call to them and let them know and hear that you are asking for their assistance. Take the needle and thread and thread it through the base of the rosebud. Smell the rose, speak to the Fae about the beauty of such a flower. Tie the thread off so it is loose enough toe slip over your wrist. Ask the fae to enchant this talisman, then slip the “bracelet” over the candle so it is surrounding the base of your candle holder. Take your list and slip a corner of it beneath the milk to anchor it to your altar.
Give one last thanks to the Fae as you blow out your candle. Go to bed!! Dream of the Wee Folk!
The next morning – do not be surprised if your list is missing. Do not look for it! If it isn’t missing, that doesn’t mean your spell didn’t work. It merely means that some faeries have better memories than others! :)
Take your rosebud talisman and carry it with you. Before the full moon, you will have met your true love, whether you know it or not.